Wake Up America: Ignore the Polls and Refuse to Allow a Hitler Clone his Ambitions

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Over the last eight years it has become clear that polling voters is a waste of time. Use of landline phones is minimal, and wireless phones allow their owners to block all unwanted calls. Personally, I have blocked hundreds of numbers I didn’t know and refused to answer. 

In the 2016 and 2020 elections the polls were way off. In 2016 these mistakes likely helped Trump be victorious. All the major polls had Hillary far ahead of Trump and may have discouraged Hillary’s voters from going to the polls. 

Trump is Not an American and Intelligible for any Public Office 

Trump’s first wife, Ivana, claimed that her husband had two heroes: Adolf Hitler in 1930’s Germany, and Vladimir Putin after they met for the first time in 1987. 

She claimed that he kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches titled, “The New Order,” beside his bed. This was most certainly the only book he ever read. 

In his younger years Hitler labeled the thugs who went to prison because they supported the man who would later be imprisoned himself and called a traitor, “martyrs.” 

In Ohio last Saturday, Trump told his people:  

“Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the horribly and unfairly treated Jan. 6 hostages.” 

Then their version of the Star Spangled Banner called “Justice for All,” was played as the orange buffoon saluted. The only things missing were stiff right arms, the clicking of heels, and the fascist crowd shouting “Sieg Heil.” 

The Darkest Day in American History 

With all of its faults, I love my country. I will forever remember January 6, 2021 as the darkest day in America’s history. My wife and I were shocked and nearly in tears as we watched all three hours of a violent attempt to overthrow our democratic government, as they searched for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, planning to murder them in an act of homage to their Fuhrer. We wondered why our military failed to intervene, and still do.  

You and I will decide the direction of our country for as long as it exists. This is our only chance to save the Nation of our Founding Fathers. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My Novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle 


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