
Showing posts with the label Insurrection

For Our Country’s Future, If Trump Makes Demands, ‘Just Say No’

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s own words and actions offer undeniable proof that he hates the America of our Founding Fathers. Therefore, as he faces multiple criminal trials, if he makes demands, just say no. Trump is a traitor, a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a xenophobe, and a homophobe. Why should anyone care what matters to what historians call “the worst president in American history?” Trump Knows What All True Americans Know: He is Guilty of Every Accusation Made Against Him “Lock him up.” If justice matters in America today, Trump will spend the remainder of his pathetic life in a prison. I ask a serious question: “why is the mainstream media afraid to call Trump what he is; a traitor?” Add to this the fact that Democrats lack the courage to tell Trump and the American people that Trump is America’s greatest enemy and unfit to hold any office at any level in America, and it is easy to see what is wrong with our nation in the 21 st century: no one has the courage to do

2024 Has Become a Battle Between Criminals and Law-Abiding Americans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The number of convicted felons who participated in the January 6 th insurrection is 1,350 and rising. In my worthless opinion, I do not believe even one of them has been fairly punished for their heinous crimes. Treason is the only word which applies to these men and women and the minimum sentence should fit the crime: at least 20 years. However, at his hate rallies, Don “Big Adolf” Trump calls them “hostages.” This is simply one criminal defending his fellow conspirators. Trump’s Fascist Army Never forget, the men Trump chose to lead his failed coup are leaders of Neo-Nazi groups who praise Hitler and hate America. They will never be happy until all Black Americans are returned to their Masters: wealthy, white men. Trump’s actions and promises are so despicable and hateful that at least two dozen former aides made statements claiming that “Big Adolf” must not be allowed anywhere near the White House ever again. Trump Says Nothing Because He Knows Nothing Not o

Is Anyone Afraid of a Cowardly Bully Named Donald Trump’s Meaningless Threats?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is desperate. He continues to face 91 indictments for felonious actions over 77 years. He lacks credibility and any manor of legitimacy in his lifetime of criminal activity. His crimes involve the fact that he is a sexual predator, a racist and a bigot. Other criminal actions include bribery, fraud, and tax evasion. Murder can be added for his failure to take action to save lives when he chose to ignore the dangers of an approaching coronavirus. Another Threat from the Leader of America’s Neo-Nazi Movement On Tuesday, while holding another of his infamous hate rallies, Trump threatened anyone who refused to vote for him in November with another “blood bath.” Personally, I welcome his threat. His “people” have proven themselves to be cowards who when faced with resistance will crawl back into the slime at the bottom of cesspools. All Bullies are Cowards, and Trump lost his Cojones Years Ago Trump is a draft dodger, and a coward like no other in

What is Merrick Garland Doing?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has violated the Constitution and civil laws more than any other man in history. He has no shame, morals, and no conscience. His violations of federal law include the two most egregious crimes against our nation: treason and sedition.   Why Hasn’t Merrick Garland Issued a Warrant for his Arrest?   Anyone who watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, witnessed the darkest day in our nation’s history. Over three hours my wife and I watched “Trump’s People,” members of Neo-Nazi groups and their sympathizers commit acts of violence as they searched for Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi with the intent of murdering them.   There was no other word which came to mind other than treason. To learn that a sitting president had planned, organized, and executed an attempted coup did not seem real, did not seem possible.   In 1955 the Rosenbergs were executed for the same crime committed by your former fake president.   It was no secret that Trump stole 14 boxes of

The Complete Truth About the 2020 Election and a Childish Loser

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is an irrefutable fact that Trump is a malignant narcissist who cannot accept criticism and most definitely losing, although he has never won anything through his own efforts or merits in his lifetime. Therefore, it was not a big surprise when Trump became the only president who refused to accept a peaceful transfer of power, although he was soundly defeated by Joe Biden. Two Democrats had Valid Reasons to Contest Their Losses In 2000 Al Gore had a valid reason to contest the results which gave George W. Bush the presidency. He won the popular vote. However, the Electoral College Vote would be decided by Florica voters. After a number of irregularities, a recount was ordered in several key counties. Then came an announcement from the Supreme Court that ended the recount. Each state has the right to conduct the process in elections. The Court ignored the Constitution and handed George W. Bush the presidency. In 2016 a meeting was held in the Oval O

Darkest Days in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   America’s past is filled with dark memories. Unfortunately, our country has failed to learn from all of these mistakes. I offer you my list of the ten darkest days in America’s history from bad to worst.   ONE OF SEVERAL ILLEGAL AND UNNECESSARY WARS   On April 20, 1975, the last helicopter left Saigon, leaving many men and women behind who had assisted the American military in the 20-year war in Vietnam. To this day no one has been able to justify America’s engagement in a war halfway around the world. More than 58,200 men who were drafted into an illegal war lost their lives. Vietnam would become one of many wars lost by America.  ar, SCOTUS VOIDS THE 14 TH AMENDMENT   I know it’s the truth, because I watched all three hours of the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Trump controlled the entire violent attack on our Capitol Building. According to section three of the 14 th Amendment, he is ineligible to run for any elected office. However, on March 4, 2