
Showing posts with the label Mentally Incompetent

I Ask a Serious Question: Why Would Anyone Who Values Their Personal Dignity and Self Respect Want to be Trump’s VP?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is not a human being. Trump is not an American. Trump is not an honest man. Trump is a lifetime criminal. Trump is not loyal to the United States of America. Trump is loyal to Vladimir Putin, not to the American people. Trump is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. Trump is a sexual predator. Trump would never serve all of our country’s people. Trump is mentally unbalanced. Trump is too old to make intelligent decisions. Trump is the most hated man in the world. Trump is a failure and unfit for any office. All of these facts, and more are completely accurate. Trump has no friends; no one who cares whether he lives or dies. He demands loyalty, but refuses to offer loyalty in return. He is a despicable man who is without personal integrity or respect from anyone who knows him. Therefore, I ask you this: why would any credible human being want to be his running mate? Like Mike Pence, they would be forever linked to the worst president, the

One Way or Another, There Will Not be a Debate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t know why, but President Biden has agreed to debate Trump. Debating is another thing about which Trump knows nothing. We watched him with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and again with Mr. Bid en in 2020: those were not debates. Trump knows nothing and doesn’t care about the issues, so a debate is not possible .   Trump Does Not Want to Debate the President   Candidates set the rules and location for debates. I am pos itive that the conditions demanded by Trump will be ludicrous and Mr. Biden will not agree with his asinine demands.   There is no Reason for a “Debate”   The first debates I watched were between Richard Nixon, and John Kennedy in 1960. We learned exactly where both candidates stood the most important issues .   Watching how the two men reacted with facial expressions and body lan guage gave us additional insight into the veracity of both men.   Trump walked around and behind Hillary Clinton in 2016. He appeared to be insane, and later

A new “Gettysburg Address” Could be Trump’s Waterloo

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   Need more proof that Trump is mentally unbalanced? Don’t worry, he will make sure you receive it.   For example, your illegitimate president was in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania this weekend: his last public appearance prior to his hush money criminal trial, which b egan today. Trump has claimed many times that he is a better President than Abraham Linco ln, therefore it was no surprise that he made his own “Gettysburg Address.” The following is a small part of his ridiculous, ignorant, and incohere nt ramblings.   [ TRUMP: Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look, and to watch, and, uh, the statement of Robert Lee— who's no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor —”Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphil l.”   [TRUMP: What an unbelievable, I mean it was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious, and horrible —and so beautiful in so many ways.]   He Obviously ha s no Understanding About the Significance