One Way or Another, There Will Not be a Debate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

I don’t know why, but President Biden has agreed to debate Trump. Debating is another thing about which Trump knows nothing. We watched him with Hillary Clinton in 2016, and again with Mr. Biden in 2020: those were not debates. Trump knows nothing and doesn’t care about the issues, so a debate is not possible. 

Trump Does Not Want to Debate the President 

Candidates set the rules and location for debates. I am positive that the conditions demanded by Trump will be ludicrous and Mr. Biden will not agree with his asinine demands. 

There is no Reason for a “Debate” 

The first debates I watched were between Richard Nixon, and John Kennedy in 1960. We learned exactly where both candidates stood the most important issues.  

Watching how the two men reacted with facial expressions and body language gave us additional insight into the veracity of both men. 

Trump walked around and behind Hillary Clinton in 2016. He appeared to be insane, and later we learned that he is indeed mentally deranged. 

During the debates with our future President, he constantly interrupted Mr. Biden. He proved that he lacked the mental acuity to listen to anyone else but himself.  

The Purpose of Debates is to Help Undecided Voters Make an Informed Choice 

2024 will be the strangest election in history. We are forced to decide between two, old, white men, one who is a patriotic America and one whose loyalty is to the President of Russia.  

Mr. Biden has accomplished many things for all Americans in his first four years, while Trump’s single accomplishment was to secure permanent tax cuts for the super-rich and our most profitable corporations. He failed to lead us through a deadly pandemic, and attempted to overthrow our government. 

The point I am making is simple: there are no undecided voters in 2024. Every American either worships Trump or hates him. There are no “in-betweens.” 

I would not watch any debate in which Donald Trump was a participant. At nearly 78 years of age, I don’t have time to waste! 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here 



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