
Showing posts with the label corruption

It’s Time to Dismantle the IRS and Create a Fair Taxation Policy in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The 2024 IRS budget is 14.1 billion dollars : 1.8 billion dollars more than 2023. It is fair to claim that this system is far more expensive than  it’s worth.   The tax code consists of 6,871 pages. 99 percent of those pages involve exemptions for the wealthy and super-rich as well as large corporations. These advantages are better known as “write-offs.” The basic rules for at least 50 percent of all Americans can be found in the first few pages.   Maybe I’m crazy, but it appears that the primary purpose of the IRS is to assist the wealthy and corporations in their efforts to evade paying their fair share of taxes.   Over my 77 Years Several Suggestions Have Been Made to Create a Simpler and More Just System   Our government is incompetent, and I am not referring solely to what happens on Capitol Hill. Along with the IRS I believe there is enormous incompetence and corruption in the FDA, the FCC, the Consumer Protection Agency, the Justice Department, wh

Our Judicial System is Shattered and Trump is Laughing at my America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today, another corrupt court confirmed that Trump is above the law and never will be punished for nearly 100  crimes committed against the people of the United States of America.   Monday, 3/25/24, Trump was required to post a bond of 445 million dollars or his properties would become eligible for forfeiture under the forfeiture act. After losing his fraud case, these were the terms.   However, on Monday a state appeals court reduced the required bond to a less costly 175 million. No one would give a man who never pays his debts one-half billion dollars.   The Truth is, Trump is Broke   Trump could have lost Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or any other property he owned. Another corrupt court will allow him to continue the pretense that he has any rights. He will once again receive a free pass, although Trump should be in a federal detention facility awaiting trial for treason.   The America of our Founding Fathers is but a Memory   If the Constitutio