It’s Time to Dismantle the IRS and Create a Fair Taxation Policy in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The 2024 IRS budget is 14.1 billion dollars: 1.8 billion dollars more than 2023. It is fair to claim that this system is far more expensive than it’s worth.  

The tax code consists of 6,871 pages. 99 percent of those pages involve exemptions for the wealthy and super-rich as well as large corporations. These advantages are better known as “write-offs.” The basic rules for at least 50 percent of all Americans can be found in the first few pages. 

Maybe I’m crazy, but it appears that the primary purpose of the IRS is to assist the wealthy and corporations in their efforts to evade paying their fair share of taxes. 

Over my 77 Years Several Suggestions Have Been Made to Create a Simpler and More Just System 

Our government is incompetent, and I am not referring solely to what happens on Capitol Hill. Along with the IRS I believe there is enormous incompetence and corruption in the FDA, the FCC, the Consumer Protection Agency, the Justice Department, which includes the FBI, Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Labor, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, and Defense. 

If all these agencies were eliminated, our national debt would disappear in less than 10 years. There would be little talk about funding Social Security and other much needed social services for those who really need them.  

Let’s Focus on the IRS 

The year after Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell passed enormous, permanent tax cuts for the super-rich and corporate America, some of our largest corporations paid zero taxes including Amazon and Walmart. 

Proposals to eliminate the IRS have included flat rate taxes without exemptions for all taxpayers, and a national sales tax for all purchases with the exception of food and medicine has been suggested multiple times. However, it may or may not surprise you, but lobbies for the wealthiest citizens in our nation oppose any change to the current system. Why? The truth is hidden from American voters by five percent of our nation’s people and our government.  

Politicians, especially on the right-side of the aisle, depend upon donations from these lobbies for their reelection campaigns. Corporations and our nation’s 765 billionaires and 22 million millionaires love the status quo. Our corrupt government continues to give tax cuts to the wealthy at the expense of the majority and the future of our nation. 

Over the last 43 years, since 1981, our nation has moved on from a capitalistic society and is now a plutocracy: rule by billionaires and a large percentage of multi-millionaires. 

I am aware that President Biden wants to hire about 87,000 more IRS agents. His intentions are admirable, but misinformed. His plan is to force the super-rich to pay their fair share of taxes. Adding additional funding to an already corrupt agency will not solve the problem. It will only exacerbate the situation. 

Our Country is in a Downward Slide 

There is no illusion about our nation’s government in 2024. Ours is the most corrupt in the world of developed nations. Hope to save the nation of our Founding Fathers is declining every day. 

“America is no longer a country, it is a business.” 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle 

“The truth lives here” 


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