
Showing posts with the label Fraud

Trump is not a Billionaire or Even a Millionaire, He Simply Uses Other People’s Money

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is the biggest liar in world history. I know of only two times he told the truth, both during the 2016 campaign.   First, he told his cult that “the election is rigged.” We learned later that he was telling the truth. Vladimir Putin was one of the principal factors in Trump’s victory in the Electoral College.   The second time was when he told his hate-filled supporters, “I love using other people’s money .”   Trump Has no Money of His Own   Today we learned two facts which offer irrefutable proof that Tru mp is br oke . With one of his cronies and his daughter -in-law now in control of the RNC, h e is illegally using campaign contributions to pay his growing legal expenses.   Today we learned that his failing social media, la ughingly called “Truth Social,” lost 58 millio n  dollars last year, and its inflated stock value is crashing.   If you are an idiot, and you give money to “Big Adolf,” or the RNC, you are helping him with his efforts to stay o

The Evidence Proves that the 2024 Election has been Rigged for Donald Trump Again

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The judicial system of the United States is the most corrupt in the entire world. Every decision made over the last couple of years has been in favor of fascist leader Donald John Trump. This is irrefutable proof that our nation is over. The dream is dead, and a rigged 2024 election will allow Trump a return to the White House. Kiss Your Ass Good-bye If you are wealthy or powerful, and charged with a crime, you have no worries. Your money will buy the best attorneys and judges, and you will never be forced to pay for your crimes. However, if you are poor, and more importantly Black, or Hispanic, you are going to prison for a very long time: no one can save you. The average income of the men and women incarcerated in our nation’s prisons, prior to conviction, is less than 20,000 dollars per year. Want Proof? On June 24, 2022, a corrupted Supreme Court, stacked in favor of Donald Trump and his puppet, Moscow Mitch McConnell,, overturned a 49-year-old decision by a

Absolute, Undeniable, and Proof that Republicans in the House are Worthless and Immoral

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today the House voted on a motion to expel George Santos from Congress. Santos is accused of multiple violations of the law, received a win in 2022 under false pretenses, and no one can verify his identity. However, the fake Republicans in the House failed to remove him on Wednesday. This was another embarrassment for the once Grand Old Party. They failed to remove a man who is nothing more than a con man and a class clown from the legislative body of the United States. This explains why our nation’s individual who is second in line for the presidency, Mike Johnson, is the Speaker of the House, although he opposes the First Amendment of the Constitution. Every day Santos remains in our legislature is a mockery about how horrible, incompetent, corrupt, and dysfunctional our government has become. We are a nation without leaders, and without laws. Anyone who is given a voice in Washington is allowed to voice opinions opposed to the principles, morals, and ideals

Trump’s Only God is Money and His Greed May Become His Downfall

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is wrong about everything. His ignorance is exposed every time he opens his pie hole. If he has a brain, it is either very small or infected with a terminal disease. The Trump Klan has one god and that god is money. Sadly, Fred Trump’s descendants were failures. Fred Trump gifted his son, Donald, with more than 400 million dollars, paid for deferments from the war in Vietnam, and likely bought his diploma from Wharton. It took less than two years for him to lose everything. His real estate “empire” only existed because the Saudi Royal family bailed him out, and Russian Oligarchs laundered billions of dollars buying properties whose values were inflated by the Trump organization. Think about this irrefutable fact. Somehow millions of voters gifted Trump with the Electoral College in 2016 and this lifelong failure became our nation’s 45 th president. There had never been a greater disaster in American history. For four years he did nothing wit

Do You Watch “Game” Shows, and Do You Believe They are Legitimate?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     It was called “The $64,000 Question.” In 1950’s America, this was a primetime event. The possibility of win nin g that much money by winning a contest was phenomenal. However, when it was r e vealed that one contestant had been given the answers prior to the broadcast, it was over.   This is far from my regular story. However, I promise that ‘the truth lives here,’ and I feel required to expose another issue where corporate profits are considered more important than the truth.   For several years my wife and I had a morning routine. We watched “CBS This Morning,” which was followed by “Let’s Make a Deal.” The latter is a game show which continues today. It offered nice, but not exorbitant profits to contestants and was entertaining.    During a single broadcast, while my wife had left the room. I witnessed what can only be called “fraud.” The game played was not new. It offered a large number of squares, and beneath the numbers were prizes. If the contes