
Networks Urge President Biden to Debate Trump: Why?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is totally incapable of taking part in a debate. First of all , he knows nothing about the issues and cannot and would not answer a direct question. Second, we watched him make an ass of himself in 2016 and again in 2020. He talked over Hillary and President Biden and attempted to belittle his adversar ies . He proved that he is nothing but an orange buffoon . Third , the President has nothing to gain from what would be a sideshow . Why should he waste his time?   When Trump Testifies, if He Does, It Will Be More of the Same   Trump is virtually illiterate . He continues to mumble and stumble, making false statements in an attempt to bring out negative emotions. The primary reason I doubt that he will testify is simple. If he uses the same ridiculous tactics, avoiding a direc t answer to a direct question in a court of law, he can be cited for contempt and sent directly to jail , which is where he should be today. Treason, sedition, and violatin

Mass Shooters Don’t Care About Human Life, Neither Does our Government

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The NRA and all right-wing politicians would like you to ignore this quote.   “Domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people .” FBI Director Christopher Wray   No one can deny the facts. There are more mass shootings in the United States than days on the calendar. This has been true since 2017 . Another fact is that anyone can buy a weapon of mass destruction in America, including fo rmer felons, mentally challenged Americans, men and women on the “no fly’ list, and children under the age of 21. Fact: the NRA gun lobby bought and paid for the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” today. Fact: handguns and military style assault rifles have a single purpose: to kill other human beings. There is nothing in the Second Amendment which prevents banning these weapons of mass destruction. Fact: not only do right-wing politic i ans do nothing but offer “thoughts and prayers,” they celebrate mass shooting with multiple deaths. Gun sales ex

What This Would Have Looked Like 40 Years Ago

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   What will happen tomorrow in a courtroom would h ave had a far different response 40 -60 years ago.   In 1960 John F. Kennedy faced the stigma of being a mem ber of the Catholic Church. This single issue made the general election a much closer race than it should have been.   In 1988, after four years of Ronald Reagan’s wars on the working class, minorities, and women, along with a failed fiscal policy which placed our nation deeply in debt, a handsome and popular senator from Colorado was poised to defeat George H . W. Bush and become our nation’s 41 st president.   However, when it was discovered that Gary Hart had a mistress, by the name of Donna Rice, he dropped out of the race. He reentered but when he only received four percent of the vote in New Hampshire, he permanently ended his campaign.   In 1992 Republicans discovered an alleged affair between the Democratic nominee, Bill Clinton, and Gennifer Flowers.   The election became a contest between