Networks Urge President Biden to Debate Trump: Why?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Trump is totally incapable of taking part in a debate. First of all, he knows nothing about the issues and cannot and would not answer a direct question. Second, we watched him make an ass of himself in 2016 and again in 2020. He talked over Hillary and President Biden and attempted to belittle his adversaries. He proved that he is nothing but an orange buffoon. Third, the President has nothing to gain from what would be a sideshow. Why should he waste his time? 

When Trump Testifies, if He Does, It Will Be More of the Same 

Trump is virtually illiterate. He continues to mumble and stumble, making false statements in an attempt to bring out negative emotions. The primary reason I doubt that he will testify is simple. If he uses the same ridiculous tactics, avoiding a direct answer to a direct question in a court of law, he can be cited for contempt and sent directly to jail, which is where he should be today. Treason, sedition, and violating the Espionage Act require imprisonment while awaiting trial. 

If Trump is Ignored, he Will Just Go Away 

There is no doubt in my mind that if the media would ignore Trump and refuse to cover his hate rallies and other public appearances, he would eventually fade away and become nothing but a memory as our nation’s greatest nightmare. 

He has nothing to say he didn’t say in 2015. Not once has he offered a sensible solution to America’s greatest problems. He wouldn’t know what to do if he cared. 

Before I close, I would once again beg our President to ignore the media. All they care about is ratings. Trust me, I have not watched a television “news” broadcast since November 9, 2016. I am positive that my IQ has increased. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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