Mass Shooters Don’t Care About Human Life, Neither Does our Government

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The NRA and all right-wing politicians would like you to ignore this quote. 

“Domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people.” FBI Director Christopher Wray 

No one can deny the facts. There are more mass shootings in the United States than days on the calendar. This has been true since 2017. Another fact is that anyone can buy a weapon of mass destruction in America, including former felons, mentally challenged Americans, men and women on the “no fly’ list, and children under the age of 21. Fact: the NRA gun lobby bought and paid for the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” today. Fact: handguns and military style assault rifles have a single purpose: to kill other human beings. There is nothing in the Second Amendment which prevents banning these weapons of mass destruction. Fact: not only do right-wing politicians do nothing but offer “thoughts and prayers,” they celebrate mass shooting with multiple deaths. Gun sales experience an increase every time one of these tragedies is reported. 

Just Another Saturday Night in the Most Dangerous Country in the World 

You won’t be surprised to learn there was another mass shooting in Chicago last evening. While standing outside of their family residence about 9:30 Saturday evening, shots rang out. One child, a seven-year-old girl, was pronounced dead at the hospital after being shot in the head. 10 others were injured, including two additional children. The youngest was a one-year-old little boy. He was shot several times and remains in critical condition. Another seven-year-old boy was shot multiple times and also remains in critical condition. 

There is no Safe Place in America 

It is an undeniable fact that once you leave the safety of your home, you are placing your life in the hands of deranged Americans who value their weapons of mass destruction more than human life.  

Mass shootings have been recorded inside movie theaters, at concerts, in the working place, inside shopping malls, grocery stores, gyms, bars, and restaurants. Others occurred at churches, synagogues, mosques, and sadly in our nation’s schools. 

Those We Elect to Keep us Safe Refuse to Perform the Jobs for Which They were Elected 

It is clear that public safety is not a concern for those who were elected to positions in Washington designed to serve the needs and wishes of the majority. However, for most, the profits of gun manufacturers and gun sellers are at the top of their list. 

For the NRA, the Second Amendment is a Tool 

Constitutional scholars generally agree that the Second Amendment is poorly written. Its ambiguity continues to be used by the NRA gun lobby and the 10 percent of Americans who own 90 percent of all weapons of mass destruction.  

I once adamantly supported Second Amendment rights. However, after 77 years of learning about innocent Americans losing their lives from gunshot, and knowing most of this is preventable, I call for the repeal of the Second Amendment. 

I find it interesting that right-wing politicians angrily protect the Second Amendment, while calling for the repeal of the First Amendment for everyone who is not pure white. It confirms my attacks on them for their lack of concern for our nation’s people. Quality of life is not on their agenda, while the profits of corporations are priority number one. 

My Final Thoughts 

I sincerely believe that America is the stupidest country in the world. Our priorities are truly f**ked up. Possessions including the latest cell phones, tennis shoes, and in many cases more powerful weapons of mass destruction are of greater importance than quality of life. Most developed nations consider healthcare, education, and paid vacations of greater importance than their toys. Not in America. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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Please follow me on my blog: “TheWiseOldFart” 


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