Tired of the Supreme Court S**ting on the Constitution?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The right-wing politicians in our legislative branch have been s**ting on the Constitution for years. Now that Moscow Mitch McConnell has stacked the Supreme Court, they are following the lead of the fascist brethren. As a patriotic American, I am fed up with all men and women who claim to be “Republicans.”


The only way to save our nation is to establish term limits for all three branches of our government. This should have been the law from the beginning. Washington politicians, all three branches, have become greedy and power mad, and yet they do virtually nothing.

It was a huge mistake to give lifetime appointments to Supreme Court Justices. In 2024 we have six of nine justices who are woefully unqualified, and we, the people, have no way of removing them. They could damage our nation’s future for decades to come.


I have watched changes in America’s government for 67 of my 77 years. Many have been harmful to the intent of the Constitution.

Washington politicians have become more secretive, less communicative, and far less interested in the needs and wishes of the American people. Most importantly, the Supreme Court is now completely political.

Our Founding Fathers gave lifetime appointments to the Justices hoping to prevent any political alliances. This has failed, and change is desperately needed. Elections loom as a possibility, and term limits are mandatory. However, elections would guarantee affiliation with one party, and that would worsen the situation.

Whatever could be done, must be done. Today’s Court is corrupt and irreparable.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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