What Does Donald Trump Call his Supporters: “Basement Dwellers,” “Losers,” and “Suckers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

History will never see a more effective conman than Donald John Trump. For 78 years he made fools of thousands and even millions of Americans for his personal benefit.

Yes, it is a fact that Trump is mentally ill. He is the definition of a “malignant narcissist.” Listening to part of his speech today, he is undoubtedly suffering from dementia or a normal but substantial decline in his mental abilities. He is an old 78. However, he continues to lie and create conspiracy theories that are so unbelievable Walt Disney would reject them.


Trump respects no one. He has no interest in anyone other than himself. Recently it was revealed that he despises those men and women who stood by him through every lie. In private, he refers to them as “basement dwellers. You might remember the uproar Hillary Clinton created when she called them “a basket of deplorables.” It is now apparent that Trump and Hillary felt the same way about his cult.


In case none of you have noticed, a large number of our military and law enforcement support Trump. To some extent I understand this fact.

Having served in the military, I can attest to the fact that all military and law enforcement organizations are composed of fascist principles: the consolidation of power: extreme nationalism: and loyalty without reservation.

These men and women are in denial. He has no respect for what they do in service to their country and for our people. Trump revealed a callousness and complete lack of compassion never seen before when traveling to France in 2018 to visit the graves of America’s fallen soldiers in WWI.

He refused to attend the service planned in their honor. It appears that his wig would get wet and make him look foolish. He told one of his aides that he did not understand why these men were being honored. He called them “suckers” and “losers” because they died for their country. He said, “what was in it for them?”

Regardless, Trump’s goal is to win the 2024 election and once again become “Commander-in Chief” of our armed forces.

Donald Trump was never an “American President,” and never would be.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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