If You Thought Our Government Was F**ked Up Before, You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet

I am not alone. There are millions of patriotic Americans who knew that a second Trump presidency would be more destructive and disastrous than the first. He hasn’t been sworn in yet, which is a waste of time because taking the oath will be another huge lie, and he is attacking our democracy and our security today. Trump’s decisions are moronic, and scare the hell out of me.  

His choices for advisors, including his cabinet, in his first long, long four years occasionally spent in the White House were outrageous. However, his new list must be a practical joke. They are so ridiculous and so unfit that even some Republicans are questioning the decision-making ability of the old man who will be farting in the White House.

Trump has begun putting in place the tools which will ensure his ability to implement the plans contained in his Project 2025, the newest Nazi Manifesto.

The damage he will cause to our nation’s future is irreparable. America will be forever changed, and not for the betterment of our country’s people. Trump is a typical right-wing extremist. His plans will move our nation further back into its darkest days when the rich became richer while workers worked for pennies without benefits or hope of advancement. Evangelical leaders will increase their attacks on every religion other than the fairy tale known as Christianity. Free thought and fair elections will become a part of our history books, if books are allowed in our libraries and our homes. Black Americans, members of the LGBTQ community, and all women who are not pure white will become third-class citizens, persecuted by the “superior race.” White women will merely be reduced to second-class.

After Trump fulfills his promise to arrest all Hispanics and place them in concentration camps, he will take the same actions with Jews and all men and women admitting to or suspected of homosexuality.

Strangers and family members will be allowed to rape women as young as 12 and force them to carry their unwanted babies full term.

This is the short list.

The people who will likely suffer the most are Trump’s loyal “basement dwellers,” and I don’t care. You supported and voted for him, and you deserve everything you get.

Op-ed by James Turnage



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