
Showing posts with the label Assault Rifles

I Want You to Think About the Reasons for, and the Reality of Domestic Terrorism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   From FBI Director Christopher Wray: “Domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to the American people.” Everyone remembers the name Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995 where 168 innocents were murdered, 19 of them small children. The media reported stories about Ted Kaczynski, dubbed “The Unabomber,” for 17 years, beginning in 1978. However, domestic terrorism is much more common in our country than reported by the media. Large events receive the headlines, but mass shootings continue to happen more frequently than the number of days on the calendar. After the cowardly attacks on 9/11, Republican politicians misdirected the facts related to domestic terrorism and focused their attacks on all Muslims, insinuating that they were all enemies of the United States. The truth is that the greatest danger lies within our own people, and it is related to uncontrolled gun violence and the greed of those involved in their manufacture and sales

Another Weekend, Another Mass Shooting: No “News” Here

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Baltimore, Maryland: Two dead, 28 injured.” This headline was not the first story on the front page of “Google News.” That’s no surprise. It happens every day somewhere in our nation. These happen so frequently, Republicans have ceased offering their “thoughts and prayers.” During a block party in South Baltimore, on the 4th of July weekend an 18-year-old woman and a 20-year-old man were shot and killed by what appears to be a lone gunman. 28 others were injured, some remain in critical condition. “Just two days into the month, it is one of three mass shootings in July and one of 338 mass shootings in the US in 2023, according to the Gun Violence Archive.” Since 2017 there have been more mass shootings than days on the calendar, and our government does not give a damn. They continue to do nothing with the exception of stuffing their war chests with money from the NRA gun lobby. It is our government who is the reason why the United States has become the most dan

The Greatest Country/Countries in the World: Sorry USA

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart American politicians constantly claim that the United States of America is “the greatest country in the world.” I’m required to inform you of one fact: they are full of s**t. The rankings of developed nations places America as 12th in a few evaluations, but most frequently 18th. The most definitive issues involve the protection and guarantees of quality of life. A survey conducted in 2022 rated the United States 21st in the “World Happiness Report.” Here are the top ten. Finland — 7.821 Denmark — 7.636 Iceland — 7.557 Switzerland — 7.512 Netherlands — 7.415 Luxembourg — 7.404 Sweden — 7.384 Norway — 7.365 Israel — 7.364 New Zealand — 7.200 Let’s look at the criteria used for ranking the “greatness” of nations. Quality of Life (14.52%): a good job market, affordable, economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public education system, well-developed public health system. Entrepreneurship (14.17%): connected to t

This is a Story about Stupidity, Profit Before People, and Hundreds of Preventable Deaths Each Year

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   This is one of the headlines from Ohio today, June 22, 2023. One I have seen far too often. “2-Year-Old Accidentally Shoots And Kills Pregnant Mother After Finding Gun, Police Say” Prior to 1976 when the NRA became a lobby for gun manufacturers and gun sellers, there was a free pamphlet offered to everyone suggesting measures to safely store guns inside the home. It no longer exists. The instructions were simple and would prevent one of the biggest problems in America today. The NRA, a gun safety organization, suggested keeping all guns stored in the home unloaded. Most importantly, the weapon and its ammunition should be locked and stored in separate locations.  “Laura Ilg, 31, was 33 weeks pregnant when she called police Friday afternoon to report that her son got a hold of a gun and shot her in the back, Norwalk police said in a press release published by local newspaper the Norwalk Reflector. “Responding officers kicked down the front door to find Ilg stil

Only in America: These Types of Celebrations Happen Nowhere Else

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart White supremacy, pervasive racism, white privilege, and bigotry in far too many other situations are real, and undeniable. Let me tell you a personal story about a young, white man who had personal experience with these issues. A man who was not raised in the deep South or another red state, and learned that extreme racism is a reality in all 50 states to some degree. I was born in Lewiston, Idaho in July of 1946. Before my sixth birthday my family moved to Los Angeles, California. This great city, composed of diverse people and people who encourage free thought and the exchange of ideas, remains my favorite place to live if I could afford it today. Let me inform you that I trust no one in power in the 21st century. Every one of these groups has proven that they are not worthy of my acceptance because their lies are unending. I especially detest the worst of the worst, professional politicians. I know that political parties are destructive to any nation’s future