
Showing posts with the label Bill Clinton

Don’t Believe Them, Your Government Will Never Release the Truth About Jeffrey Epstein and his “Friends”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Jeffrey Epstein was a pervert, and all of his friends were or are perverts. It remains unclear whether he committed suicide in jail or was murdered, but as I write this article, the government claims that it is releasing most of the information related to his preference for underage women. However, if you believe your government will release all the facts, you are a fool. If the truth could harm a single current, professional politician, or a CEO of a major corporation, you underestimate the level of corruption in Washington if you have the slightest hope that the truth will be told. Not once between 1980 and today has a single politician or CEO of a corporation been punished for their crimes. America is a land without laws rendering the Constitution invalid and useless. Think about it: Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon, and Newt Gingrich were forced to resign from office. This was the extent of their “punishment.” The men involved with Epstein include Bill Clinton,