
Showing posts with the label MAGA Republicans

Republicans must End Their False Claim of Being Conservatives and Admit that They Are Racists and Bigots

M Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For decades the media has allowed right-wing politicians to claim the title of “conservatives.” This is a blatant misconception of these men and women in 2024. They have none of the attributes attached to men and women in the past who actually were conservatives. What today’s right-wing politicians are in reality can be defined by the labels “racists and bigots.”   Today’s fake Republicans are opposed to the protection of voting rights for all, the growth of small businesses, the rights of the LGBTQ community, equal rights for women, an end to extreme racism, fair taxation, an end to domestic terrorism and our nation’s growing gun violence, and First Amendment protection for the practice of religion of choice, or none at all. All of these failed policies are opposed to the beliefs of true conservatives.   There are no "Republicans" in Washington Today The ultimate truth is that today’s “Republicans” are not representative of their predecessors.

How Republicans Failed the American People Since 1981 with Economic Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Reagan, Geoge H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all implemented the most failed economic policy in history. “Trickle Down Economics,” the policy which Reagan called “Supply Side Economics,” was created by your failed 40 th president, claiming that if the rich have more money, they will create good paying jobs for the American people. This was the biggest pile of bullshit in American history. The super-rich simply placed their additional profits in offshore accounts, or in the purchase of additional mansions or islands.    When Reagan left office in 1989, his failures left our nation in debt for more than a trillion dollars. Two Bush’s and a Trump continued this failed policy, and nearly placed our country in another Great Depression.    In 1993 Democrat Bill Clinton bailed out Reagan and George H.W. Bush. When he left office in 2001, the national debt had been erased, and our national treasury experienced a surp lus.    In 2009, Barack Obama saved

Trump, Haley, Cruz, Graham, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, and other Republicans Continue Offering Fodder for Late-Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For the last two decades right-wing politicians have proven themselves good for only one thing: fodder for writers on late-night television. Not a single man or woman calling themselves “Republican” in the 21 st century is fit to run for office at any level. Now, in 2024, this has become a very sad fact. The only presidential candidates offered by the once Grand Old Party are an obese man who is facing 91 felony indictments, including treason, theft of secret documents, and a lifetime of fraud related to his failed business enterprises, and a woman who lost to “none of these candidates” in the Nevada state primary. At the age of 77, I remember that if a candidate had an affair or had a divorce in his past, he was forced to withdraw. Trump has had three wives, numerous affairs and unwanted sexual encounters, but Republican voters don’t give a damn. As long as he supports white supremacy, homophobia, Islamophobia, remains a suppressor of women’s rights, he is ele

Your Fake Republican Party at its Worst

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart They whine, they yell, they attack, they lie, they are idiots. I’m talking about the entire group of men and women who call themselves “Republicans” today. There are less than a handful of true Republicans in Washington today, most disappeared when the party imploded on January 20, 2017. Thanks to the “party of no,” created by Moscow Mitch McConnell in 2009, only 34 bills were passed in 2023. The normal number of bills passed in every year ranges between 200 and 600. Right-wing politicians whine about Democrats who oppose their fascist agenda. In what has become a rare situation in our nation’s capital, a bipartisan bill was passed last week. Those sitting on the right side of the aisle have constantly demanded better border security. Now that the bill has passed, and the orange buffoon voiced his opposition, these same fake Republicans are opposing the very bill asked for and agreed to. What the f**k! How stupid has the once Grand Old Party become? Obviously, t

One Very Small Candy Bar, $3.69?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was 10-12 years old, my favorite candy bar was the Milky Way. I would often buy one as I walked home from school. It cost me five cents. The last time I shopped at a store, a smaller version of that same candy bar cost $1.18. I can no longer be on my feet long enough to shop. However, my wife was shopping today and sent me a text with a picture of candy bars on a shelf. The cost was about $3.59 each, and they looked even smaller. Can you say “Greedflation?” And people wonder why I hate corporations.   Millions of Americans choose to deny the truth. In our grocery stores, consumers pay the same or a greater price for every item they purchase , although the content is less than it was one year ago. For example, a package of bacon which sold for $3.99 a pound, 16 oz ., is now just 12 oz ., costing an average of $5.99. The same is true for a half-gallon of ice cream, at about the same rate.   These examples prove that there are numerous cases of fraud pe