Republicans must End Their False Claim of Being Conservatives and Admit that They Are Racists and Bigots
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
For decades the media has allowed right-wing politicians to claim the title of “conservatives.” This is a blatant misconception of these men and women in 2024. They have none of the attributes attached to men and women in the past who actually were conservatives. What today’s right-wing politicians are in reality can be defined by the labels “racists and bigots.”
Today’s fake Republicans are opposed to the protection of voting rights for all, the growth of small businesses, the rights of the LGBTQ community, equal rights for women, an end to extreme racism, fair taxation, an end to domestic terrorism and our nation’s growing gun violence, and First Amendment protection for the practice of religion of choice, or none at all. All of these failed policies are opposed to the beliefs of true conservatives.
There are no "Republicans" in Washington Today
The ultimate truth is that today’s “Republicans” are not representative of their predecessors. In fact, few of them are loyal to the United States of America. Most of these pretenders are loyal to their Fuhrer, Donald John Trump, not to 330 million people they were elected to serve.
The reality you will never hear from the men and women who are paid millions of dollars to report the news accurately and without prejudice is that our nation is engaged in a Second Civil War. The war is between those who love our democracy and cherish the ideals of our Founding Fathers, and those who would replace democracy and freedom with a fascist regime.
America has Become a Plutocracy
Capitalism has been replaced by Plutocrats, and a plutocracy cannot survive without the support of an authoritarian government. This is today’s right wing. Today’s Republican Party in name only is fully aware that they cannot win elections if they are fair and secure. Donald Trump and his minions are selected by billionaires and men and women who believe in fascism and forcing minorities, women, and all less privileged men and women to become subservient to pure, wealthy white men and women.
Protect your Right to Vote
Today’s “Republicans” want to take away our only weapon against corruption and tyranny: the right to vote in a fair and secure election. While we have that right, please vote wisely. Reject political affiliation and ignore what you see and hear on television. Research the candidates and find the truth for yourself.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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