How Republicans Failed the American People Since 1981 with Economic Incompetence

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Reagan, Geoge H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all implemented the most failed economic policy in history. “Trickle Down Economics,” the policy which Reagan called “Supply Side Economics,” was created by your failed 40th president, claiming that if the rich have more money, they will create good paying jobs for the American people. This was the biggest pile of bullshit in American history. The super-rich simply placed their additional profits in offshore accounts, or in the purchase of additional mansions or islands.  

When Reagan left office in 1989, his failures left our nation in debt for more than a trillion dollars. Two Bush’s and a Trump continued this failed policy, and nearly placed our country in another Great Depression.  

In 1993 Democrat Bill Clinton bailed out Reagan and George H.W. Bush. When he left office in 2001, the national debt had been erased, and our national treasury experienced a surplus.  

In 2009, Barack Obama saved our nation from bankruptcy after George W. Bush placed our nation in two unwinnable and illegal wars. His continuation of Reagan’s failed economic policy placed our nation in the Great Recession. Americans lost their homes and greed was the reason our nation’s economy nearly failed. However, Republicans protected the super-rich, and none of the villains were charged for their crimes. 

In 2021, President Biden prevented another depression after Donald Trump nearly cost millions of Americans their entire economic future when he refused to lead our country in the battle against Covid-19, promising our people that “it would just go away.” More than one-million Americans lost their lives from the pandemic. 

For decades the men and women who call themselves “Republicans” have proven that they are incapable of governing the United States of America.  

The problem is founded on one irrefutable fact, the Republican Party no longer exists. Right-wing politicians are divided between those loyal to Trump, and a handful of others who continue to believe that their country is more important that an obese old man whose loyalty is to Vladimir Putin and not to the people he was elected to serve. 

I am an Independent, and believe political parties are the ruination of democracy. Therefore, I am especially sad that the GOP no longer exists. My choices are now limited to Democrats, a few independent candidates, and “none of the above.” 

Our “two-party” system has been destroyed. We now have one political party and one group of men and women who are focused on the end of our democratic republic. 

My greatest disappointment is directed at my fellow voters. How is it possible that men and women who hate the nation of our Founding Fathers were elected? Trump, Moscow Mitch, McCarthy, Jordan, Gaetz, Gosar, Cruz, Greene, Boebert, Grassley, and many others are unfit to hold office and fight against the wishes and needs of the majority. Immediately after their elections they ignore the reasons for which they were elected and serve their masters: special interests. Personal ambitions replace their empty campaign promises.  

Republicans have one goal: end democracy and establish a fascist regime with Trump becoming our nation’s dictator. 

If you care, you can save your country with your vote on November 5, 2024. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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