Your Fake Republican Party at its Worst

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

They whine, they yell, they attack, they lie, they are idiots. I’m talking about the entire group of men and women who call themselves “Republicans” today. There are less than a handful of true Republicans in Washington today, most disappeared when the party imploded on January 20, 2017. Thanks to the “party of no,” created by Moscow Mitch McConnell in 2009, only 34 bills were passed in 2023. The normal number of bills passed in every year ranges between 200 and 600.

Right-wing politicians whine about Democrats who oppose their fascist agenda. In what has become a rare situation in our nation’s capital, a bipartisan bill was passed last week. Those sitting on the right side of the aisle have constantly demanded better border security. Now that the bill has passed, and the orange buffoon voiced his opposition, these same fake Republicans are opposing the very bill asked for and agreed to.

What the f**k! How stupid has the once Grand Old Party become? Obviously, they care nothing about the needs and wishes of the American people.

Those who claim to be Republicans are hypocrites, spineless, incompetent, and an embarrassment to every true Republican who preceded them. They have no principles, and have surrendered the small amount of integrity and dignity they possessed to the worst man in the world.

In 1981 right-wing politicians began their support for special interests. Between 2017 and 2021 the abandonment of the reason for their very existence reached completion. Not a single man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” serves the majority of our nation’s people. If they cared, even a little, we would not have more than one-half of our nation’s people struggling in the low-income level, or fighting for survival with incomes below the poverty line. I’m sure that you are as tired as I am hearing politicians claim that “America is the richest nation in the world.” Who are these Americans?

Trump and his MAGA Republicans have a goal. That goal is to end our democratic society and re-create it into a fascist state governed by plutocrats.

The bottom line is no loyal American should ever vote for anyone calling themselves “Republican,” especially Trump who is not an American.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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