
Showing posts with the label MAGA Republicans

America Means “Doing the Right Thing:” We Don’t do That Any More

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s. My interest in politics began in 1956. Our government has never been perfect, but during my younger years, with heated deliberation and compromise, it worked. Most of the time our elected officials “did the right thing,” or something close to it.   The American People are the Least Informed in the Free World   One of the things I remember most is that my grandparents, uncles and aunts discussed politics and the direction our nation was taking after the end of WWII. They read the newspaper and were far more informed than the average American who “learns everything they need from television today.”   I assumed that every American paid attention to what was happening in our country, and about one-half of them did. Today I doubt that five percent of all Americans are aware of what is happening in Washington. They are ignorant because of a lack of effort, but also because our government has become more secretive every day. Misi

I Admit to being a Sick Person, I Love Watching Klan Families Fight Among Themselves

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s stop ignoring the truth: the “Republican Party” is in total disarray and fighting among themselves. This was inevitable. When your party’s leader is a mentally deranged malignant narcissist, and is constantly surrounded by chaos and desperation, the trickle-down theory applies. Republicans Are Deserting a Sinking Ship Every day I read about an increasing number of right-wing politicians who are quietly breaking away from Trump’s hold over them. As the base of the once Grand Old Party continues to decline, a growing number of fake Republicans are looking elsewhere for support. In every primary state, a percentage of Republican voters who chose Trump say that they will not vote for him in the general election. I doubt they will vote for Biden, but if they choose not to vote, they will be supporting President Biden’s reelection. No One On the Right Side of the Aisle is Qualified to Hold Any Office at Any Level The most recent squabble inside of

Trump May be the Leader, but Many More Share the Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart, nearing reality. It may appear to the uninformed that these facts began in the 21 st century, but the reality is far more sinister. Three names you know well are the key players  TRUMP LIED ABOUT NOT KNOWING PUTIN The path to Trump’s illegitimate presidency began 37 years ago in Moscow. Donald and Ivana Trump received an invitation to visit the Russian Capital from the KGB in 1987. By this time Vladimir Putin had become one of the principal members of the spy agency. What happened over those few days is a closely guarded secret. However, thanks to former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, we know everything that happened in Moscow in 2013. The dossier is factual and another truth hidden from the American people by our corrupt government. This is how Trump won the Electoral College in 2016. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as our nation’s 40 th president in 1981. He changed all the rules, and discarded all the principles of the Republican Party. He demanded unquesti

Not Needed, but Here’s More Evidence That Trump is Following Hitler’s Playbook Exactly as it was Written

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Fascist leaders, Fuhrers, demand complete loyalty, obedience without questions, and forbid free thought. This is one of the ways Adolf Hitler took complete control of Germany and the German people in the 1930’s. TRUMP WANTS TO ADD HIS NAME TO THE LIST OF WORLD TYRANTS Rule by a single man is the ambition of every tyrant in the world, past and present. The names of today’s dictators include Vladimir Putin, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Trump has praised all of these autocrats, but none equal to his handler, Vladimir Putin. After Super Tuesday, Trump made another fascist demand, the same demand from Hitler in Nazi Germany. He requires unfettered loyalty from all Republicans. Here was his statement calling for complete unity. “We’re getting rid of the Romneys of the world,” he said, adding that, “we wanna get Romneys and those out.” If this is not a clear message of Trump’s intent to remove the few true R

Trump has no Power, so Why Do They Fear Him, Why are They so Cowardly?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Recently MAGA Republicans backed away from a bill agreed to by President Biden, a bill they asked for many times. It would have virtually closed our nation’s southern border with Mexico. Their only reason for reversing their position 180 degrees were words from America’s worst former president. I am no fan of Ronna McDaniel However, her only reason for removing herself as the Republican leader in the RNC is Trump’s demand that she steps aside. His plan to replace her is founded on nepotism. His plan is to place forgotten son Eric’s wife in this powerful position. TRUMP IS A POWERLESS COWARD AND A BULLY I ask, “why are today’s fake Republicans afraid of Trump?” His only weapon is the hot air coming from his lips. He has no powers other than those surrendered by right-wing politicians and his fascist cult. Over the last nine years we watched two situations unfold. What began in 1981 came to fruition on January 20, 2017. With the inauguration of Donald John Trump c

The Annual Right-Wing Bitch-Fest Began on Thursday

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you want to see Donald Trump’s America, watch the “highlights” of the annual bitch-fest known as CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, over the next few days. However, if you have high blood pressure, or a heart condition, listening to men and women who have a lower-than-average IQ, and hate their country, may result in a cardiac event or even death.   Today's Ringmaster is Also a Clown The leader of all right-wing politicians received an award this week. In a rating from first to 45 th , Donald John Trump received the much-deserved title of “worst president in history.” If he’s the best they have to offer, take a moment to think about how disastrous the rest of his party would be if allowed to defile the White House.   The truth is simple and irrefutable. Not a single man or woman calling themselves a “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation, and most, like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Loren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and