The Annual Right-Wing Bitch-Fest Began on Thursday

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

If you want to see Donald Trump’s America, watch the “highlights” of the annual bitch-fest known as CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, over the next few days. However, if you have high blood pressure, or a heart condition, listening to men and women who have a lower-than-average IQ, and hate their country, may result in a cardiac event or even death. 

Today's Ringmaster is Also a Clown

The leader of all right-wing politicians received an award this week. In a rating from first to 45th, Donald John Trump received the much-deserved title of “worst president in history.” If he’s the best they have to offer, take a moment to think about how disastrous the rest of his party would be if allowed to defile the White House. 

The truth is simple and irrefutable. Not a single man or woman calling themselves a “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation, and most, like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Loren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and others, are unfit to hold any public office. It is very sad for all real Americans because this is what has happened to our federal government. It has become the most incompetent and corrupt government in the world thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s “Party of No.” 

Another Republican "Do Nothing Congress"

His minions did set a record last year when they passed a total of 34a bills. The annual average is 200-600. It won’t surprise you to learn that when Democrats are in control of all three branches of government, a much larger number of bills, affecting all Americans, are passed. 

The Stage Will be Filled With Stand-Up Comedians, Just not Very Good Ones

These next three days will be a circus, and all the clowns will be there and make speeches which contain nothing more than attacks on real Americans. They have nothing of value to say. They support the super-rich, and their army is led by Neo-Nazis who gained notoriety on January 6, 2021. 

Personally, I’ll pass. As a political writer, I find it necessary to read their rants, composed mostly of lies, every day. I began writing about Trump in 2015 before he staged a pitiful display of ignorance and just plain stupidity in June where he declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination. I thought it impossible, but I discovered that Trump’s life story is a tale failure. I also learned that his intllect is far below average. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app 



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