
Showing posts with the label Netanyahu

Is Netanyahu Acting like Putin?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin decided to invade the democratic country of Ukraine. His military has wounded and killed at least 10,000 civilians, including more than 560 children, have been killed and over 18,500 have been injured. Not mentioned by the media is the number of children who have been stolen from their families and adopted by Russians. These unforgivable atrocities place Putin on par with Adolf Hitler. I fear that Benjamin Netanyahu is following Putin’s lead with the invasion of Gaza. Israel was given status as an independent nation in 1948 by the United Nations. The Palestinian people continue to seek the same status. However when a vote was taken, making the area occupied by Israel and the Palestinian people a “two state” region, the United States, a member of the Security Council, vetoed the action and protected Israel’s interests in the area. Regardless of what you do or do not hear from the media, this is the primary reason for the con

Facts About the 75-Year War Between Israel and Palestine

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Whenever there is a conflict between nations, the core of the problem is always found in incompetent leaders who are incapable or unwilling to do their jobs. Regardless of the nation, all Presidents, Prime Ministers, or whatever they are called, have the same responsibilities: improve the lives of their country’s citizens, and ensure their safety. My country, the United States of America, has devolved over the last 40+ years. Our Founding Fathers created a nation ruled by the people, not autocrats. However, since the Ronald Reagan era, our elected officials consider themselves rulers, not public servants. They ignore our needs and wishes and serve their own ambitions. No one in Washington can be trusted or respected in the 21 st century. Israel received “Statehood” from the United Nations in 1948. Their neighbors in the region, Palestinians, requested the same status, but have been ignored for the last 75 years. There have been moments in my life when the pos