Facts About the 75-Year War Between Israel and Palestine

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


Whenever there is a conflict between nations, the core of the problem is always found in incompetent leaders who are incapable or unwilling to do their jobs. Regardless of the nation, all Presidents, Prime Ministers, or whatever they are called, have the same responsibilities: improve the lives of their country’s citizens, and ensure their safety.

My country, the United States of America, has devolved over the last 40+ years. Our Founding Fathers created a nation ruled by the people, not autocrats. However, since the Ronald Reagan era, our elected officials consider themselves rulers, not public servants. They ignore our needs and wishes and serve their own ambitions. No one in Washington can be trusted or respected in the 21st century.

Israel received “Statehood” from the United Nations in 1948. Their neighbors in the region, Palestinians, requested the same status, but have been ignored for the last 75 years. There have been moments in my life when the possibility of granting Statehood to Palestine was near. However, under pressure from the leaders of Israel the United States has vetoed every request.

Ad to this the prejudices of one man: Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has been the force behind the nation of Israel since 1996. He is well-known for his “land-grabbing” on the West Bank. He has not shown any respect for the Palestinian people. He has refused to hold peace talks with Palestinian leaders consistently. I fear that this current bloody war between the two people will result in him accessing Gaza for his nation.

It is unreasonable to prevent the establishment of the nation of Palestine. Of curse I condemn all terrorism in any country, including my own. Hamas must be neutralized and forced into extinction. However, innocent men, women, and children have been murdered by the Israeli military as they seek to destroy the terrorists.

Yes, I am proud to be a pacifist. As an original baby boomer, I have watched the tragedies and futility of military aggression for 77 years. Only innocent people suffer from war. Politicians and the manufacturers of the tools of war profit and never risk their lives in these bloody and cruel confrontations. The undeniable truth is that America has lost every war fought since WWII.

There will be no peace in the Middle East until the people of Palestine are accepted and taken seriously. No one nation, no race, and no religion is more important than any other. All humans share similar desires: a safe environment for themselves and their families, and to live their lives according to their personal beliefs. However, leaders of nations often disagree with these basic human rights. Therin lies the problem.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Sources: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-10-13/israeli-palestinian-conflict-history-the-roots-of-the-israel-hamas-war





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