Is Netanyahu Acting like Putin?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin decided to invade the democratic country of Ukraine. His military has wounded and killed at least 10,000 civilians, including more than 560 children, have been killed and over 18,500 have been injured. Not mentioned by the media is the number of children who have been stolen from their families and adopted by Russians. These unforgivable atrocities place Putin on par with Adolf Hitler. I fear that Benjamin Netanyahu is following Putin’s lead with the invasion of Gaza.

Israel was given status as an independent nation in 1948 by the United Nations. The Palestinian people continue to seek the same status. However when a vote was taken, making the area occupied by Israel and the Palestinian people a “two state” region, the United States, a member of the Security Council, vetoed the action and protected Israel’s interests in the area.

Regardless of what you do or do not hear from the media, this is the primary reason for the continuation of hostilities between the two peoples sharing this land. It has lasted for 75 years.

Netanyahu has refused to negotiate with Palestinian leaders when such a meeting was arranged by a third party. He continues to “grab land” from Palestinians at every opportunity.

Throughout history, leaders who seek to remain in power find invalid reasons to remain at war. It is nearly impossible to change leadership when countries are engaged in a form of military conflict. Both Putin and Netanyahu prove my allegation. And in our country, if the American people are ignorant and choose Trump in 2024, the same will happen to our nation.

I do not trust that our nation’s people will do the right thing and reject fascism. Now that we are led by a plutocracy, supported by right-wing politicians, free elections will become nothing but a memory. Our Constitution will be shredded, and pure whites will rule the land. This will undoubtedly result in a second bloody Civil War.

Which side will you be on?

Op-ed by James Turnage

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