
Showing posts with the label RINOs

The Truth Revealed: Trump Knew that the 2020 Election was Fair and No Fraud Was Involved

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I call “bullshit.” Everything which comes from the mouth of your illegitimate 45 th president is a blatant lie. His intentions remain desperate efforts to protect himself and his delicate ego. Trump has been evaluated as a malignant narcissist, but he is also a sociopath. He is incapable of accepting failure, although his life is a sad tale of incompetence. Just days after the 2020 election, Trump fired his election czar, Chris Krebs. His reason was based on a single comment from Mr. Krebs: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” A recent revelation about events which occurred before the election offer the ultimate proof that Trump is a malignant narcissist who is a pathological liar. In February of 2020 during a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump announced that security for the upcoming election had been raised to the highest level possible. [In the meeting with senior US officials and White House staff, Trump touted h

1981 Thru 2023: the Politics of Self-Destruction

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart What I refer to as “the great change” began in January of 1981. Ronald Reagan’s efforts to remake the “Party of Lincoln” into what it has become today, the American Fascist Party. Today’s RINOs choose not to serve the American people, but to rule over us. Reagan began wars on minorities, the working class, and women. He demanded loyalty without dissent and openly supported our nation’s wealthiest Americans. For eight years he violated the First Amendment as he accepted Evangelical Christianity as our nation’s only religion.  What was once the “Grand Old Party” has devolved over the last 42 years. It has become the party of greed, negativity, and has moved so far to the right many right wing politicians have embraced the fascist ideas of Donald Trump. No longer are these men and women supporters of individual rights, small business, or family values. Today these anti-Americans seek control over the lives of everyone, controlling their physical and mental activiti

The Greatest Country/Countries in the World: Sorry USA

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart American politicians constantly claim that the United States of America is “the greatest country in the world.” I’m required to inform you of one fact: they are full of s**t. The rankings of developed nations places America as 12th in a few evaluations, but most frequently 18th. The most definitive issues involve the protection and guarantees of quality of life. A survey conducted in 2022 rated the United States 21st in the “World Happiness Report.” Here are the top ten. Finland — 7.821 Denmark — 7.636 Iceland — 7.557 Switzerland — 7.512 Netherlands — 7.415 Luxembourg — 7.404 Sweden — 7.384 Norway — 7.365 Israel — 7.364 New Zealand — 7.200 Let’s look at the criteria used for ranking the “greatness” of nations. Quality of Life (14.52%): a good job market, affordable, economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public education system, well-developed public health system. Entrepreneurship (14.17%): connected to t

Let’s Hear it for the Greatest Country/Countries in the World: Sorry USA

                                                          Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The categories on which nations are ranked related to their “greatness” can be summed up as “the quality of life for all of their nation’s people. Look at the following list. [ Quality of Life (14.52%): a good job market, affordable, economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public education system, well-developed public health system. Entrepreneurship (14.17%): connected to the rest of the world, educated population, entrepreneurial, innovative, provides easy access to capital, skilled labor force, technological expertise, transparent business practices, well-developed infrastructure, well-developed digital infrastructure, well-developed legal framework. Agility (13.96%): adaptable, dynamic, modern, progressive, responsive. Social Purpose (13.49%): cares about human rights, cares about the environment, gender equality, religious freedom, respects

America has Never Been a Great Country: However, it has Become “Unique”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart America has Never Been a Great Country, but in the 21st Century The United States of America has become “unique,” and not in a good way. Our incompetent and corrupt government has intentionally separated our nation from all others who have changed and created a better quality of life for their people. In 2023 Americans are chanting, “ask not what we can do for our country, ask what has our country done for us?” Over the seven decades our government has sent thousands of out finest young men and women to death in four unwinnable wars: Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Those who serve in Washington continue to ignore our needs and wishes and serve the rich and powerful. Our freedoms, guaranteed by the Constitution, are being removed one by one as the First, Fourth, Fifth, and 14th Amendments are ignored and violated daily. It is an undeniable fact that America is the most warlike country in the world. The Pentagon’s annual budget amounts to more than five tim

How Right Wing Politicians and Fox News Created the “Dumbing Down of America”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   White supremacy, pervasive racism, white privilege, and bigotry in far too many other situations are real, and undeniable. Let me tell you a personal story about a young, white man who had personal experience with these issues. A man who was not raised in the deep South or another red state, and learned that extreme racism is a reality in all 50 states to some degree. I was born in Lewiston, Idaho in July of 1946. Before my sixth birthday my family moved to Los Angeles, California. This great city, composed of diverse people and people who encourage free thought and the exchange of ideas, remains my favorite place to live if I could afford it today. Let me inform you that I trust no one in power in the 21st century. Every one of these groups has proven that they are not worthy of my acceptance because their lies are unending. I especially detest the worst of the worst, professional politicians. I know that political parties are destructive to any nation’s futu