
Right-Wing Attacks on Immigrants Founded on Lies, Ignorance, and White Supremacy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   America would not exist without immigrants. Every man, woman, and child who lived in the co lonies , long before the existence of the United States, was an immigrant, mostly from Western Europe.   The largest period of immigrants arriving in America was b etween 1861 and 1890. Approximately 10.4 million people came to our nation’s shore s, most from Southern and Eastern Europe.   The first unwilling immigrants from Africa were brought to the New World in 1619. This atrocity continues to haunt America today.   FACTS YOU WILL NEVER SEE OR HEAR ON TELEVISION “NEWS”   The number of all-white babies is in decline in the United States, while the number of deaths of all-whites is increasing. This fact is frightening to supporters of white supremacy movements and Neo-Nazi organizations.   Meanwhile, the number of multiracial babies born in America increased from 5.6 percent in 2010 to 15.1 percent in 2020, according to the Census Bure...

The Whiny Little Bitch is at It Again

Op-ed by The WiseOldFart   Trump is exactly three weeks older than me. For this reason alone, I am disgusted and ashamed about hi s constant and baseless claims that he is “being picked on.” At nearly 78 years of age, I know that we get what we deserve from life .   If you try to live a good and spiritual life, you will receive love and respect from those who know you well. However, if you preach anger, hatred, and violence , and have never once in your life done anything to positively affect the lives of others, and act like a malignant narcissist , you w ill have no one in your life who cares if you live or die. As we draw closer to being an octogenarian, we are aw are that we have earned our rewards or suffer the consequences.   THIS IS THE LAUGHABLE AND INACCURATE RESPONSE FROM THE ORANGE BUFFOON   “The reason I didn’t file paperwork for the Libertarian Nomination, which I would have absolutely gotten if I wanted it (as everyone could tell by the enthusiasm of ...