
Showing posts with the label Biden

Sometimes a Name is Just a Name

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are several names in America when spoken inspire thoughts about the American flag, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and a deep feeling of patriotism. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Kennedy are among these celebrated surnames. Personally, the name Kennedy has enormous importance and meaning in my life. I was in my first year of high school when John Fitzgerald Kennedy became our nation’s 35 th president. At just 43 years of age, he displayed an extraordinary intellect, with  the ability to inspire younger Americans with eloquent and meaningful speech. One of the darkest days in my life happened on November 22, 1963 when the great man was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. As a senior in high school, my immediate reaction was a feeling that all hope was lost. President Kennedy gave me feelings I have never had before or since. SHAMING THE KENNEDY NAME I find it disgusting that a member of the respected Kennedy family is making an ass of

Networks Urge President Biden to Debate Trump: Why?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is totally incapable of taking part in a debate. First of all , he knows nothing about the issues and cannot and would not answer a direct question. Second, we watched him make an ass of himself in 2016 and again in 2020. He talked over Hillary and President Biden and attempted to belittle his adversar ies . He proved that he is nothing but an orange buffoon . Third , the President has nothing to gain from what would be a sideshow . Why should he waste his time?   When Trump Testifies, if He Does, It Will Be More of the Same   Trump is virtually illiterate . He continues to mumble and stumble, making false statements in an attempt to bring out negative emotions. The primary reason I doubt that he will testify is simple. If he uses the same ridiculous tactics, avoiding a direc t answer to a direct question in a court of law, he can be cited for contempt and sent directly to jail , which is where he should be today. Treason, sedition, and violatin

Agism on the Rise in America Thanks to the Media and the Late Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am nearly 78 years old. However, watching interviews on television, I am positive that I know more about everything than 98 percent of our nation’s people 30 years old and younger. I am also more informed than anyone aged 50 or under. I am disgusted with television and the print media for making President Biden’s age an issue. He has accomplished more in one term than any president since Bill Clinton. He has worked harder than Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump combined to solve our most important domestic issues. TRUMP IS OLDER THAN BIDEN PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY On November 5, 2024, the President will be 81 years old. He will be 82 later in the month. Trump will be 78, and his 79 th birthday will be in June of 2025. They are both elderly. However, chronological age at this point in their lives is less critical than their physical and mental health. Judging the President by his accomplishments and his work ethic is far greater than most individuals his

Once Again, the Mainstream Media is Hiding the Truth from the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If the former Fourth Estate was performing as intended, President Biden’s approval rating would be in the 60’s or higher. Our nation’s economy is better than it has been since 2001. The United States once again has the strongest economy in the world as it did prior to the George W. Bush administration. Three Democratic Presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, rescued our nation from the fiscal incompetence of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Over the last 43 years Republicans offered irrefutable facts that they are incapable of governing 330 million people. They continue to serve special interests while ignoring the needs and wishes of 95 percent of our nation’s people. The Best of the Best Clinton left office in 2001. For the first time in decades our nation’s treasury registered a surplus; completely out of debt. Obama left office in 2017. He repaired the damage caused by Bush 43’s failed fiscal policy of “trickl

By Election Day Trump Could be a Blithering Idiot

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every day, with every speech, Trump is becoming less coherent. He continues to mumble and stumble while attempting to pronounce words we use every day. His “little brain” appears to be shrinking. By election day he could become a blithering idiot. WHY WOULD ANYONE VOTE FOR A LIFELONG FAILURE It’s a fact that the worst president and history and the second worst share a common fact: both Trump and George W. Bush failed at everything they attempted in their lives. They also share the fact that without assistance from others, neither would have become our president. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore in 2000. Although we will never know for certain, without unconstitutional interference by the Supreme Court of the United States, Bush should have lost the Electoral College vote. During the 2000 campaign the RNC acted unscrupulously to block Senator John McCain from winning his party’s nomination. Like Trump, Bush was an illegitimate president. Trump al

Glimmers of Hope?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I admit that over the last few months this mostly positive writer began to despair. The evil right appeared to be winning on multiple fronts thanks to the media and multiple television propaganda machines. Then came the State of the Union address. Unlike previous Democratic Presidents, Mr. Biden not only stood up for himself, he not so subtly called his predecessor what he is: a liar, a coward, and a fascist who hates his country. The President proved that he is in better shape physically and mentally than his obese, mentally challenged opponent. Over the last couple of days every effort by right-wing extremists to impeach President Biden failed as I knew they would. Unlike Trump’s many crimes, there was no Constitutional basis to remove him from office.   Another victory for all loyal Americans is happening in Florida. Ron DeSantis and his fascist control over the state’s legislature appears to be coming to an end. For months DeSantis has been attacki

Will 2024 be a Complete Repeat of 2020?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is clear that what no American voter wanted will happen on November 5 th : a rematch of the 2020 election. If another contest between two old, white men is the best both parties can do, we will never have a functional government again. Making the November 5 th a complete remake of 2020 will likely be the fact that more voters will be voting against Trump than for President Biden. I am positive that I was not alone in 2020. I was not a huge supporter of Mr. Biden, but I would have voted for anyone if it would prevent Trump from causing more damage to our nation if given another four years and assistance from his handler, Vladimir Putin. Contrary to Trump’s “big lie,” President Biden crushed the orange buffoon by about eight million votes in 2020 in the only number that should count, the popular vote. A historic voter turnout guaranteed a win for Mr. Biden. The question is, “will this happen again?” I’m doubtful. It’s hard to encourage voters to go to the poll

Could “Uncommitted” Decide the 2024 Election?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   On Tuesday Michigan held its presidential primaries. As expected, Trump and Biden won their party’s support. However, a surprise “candidate” contributed to the fact that neither man won by the margin expected.   In the Republican Party, Trump received 68.1 percent of the vote, Nikki Haley 26.5   In the Democratic primary, Joe Biden won 81 percent, and Marianne Williams 3 percent.   However, “Uncommitted” captured 3 percent of the Republican vote, and “Uncommitted” won 13.2 percent of the Democratic vote.   Of similar interest is after the South Carolina Republican Party primary, one out of five Republicans said they would not vote for Trump in the General Election.   I have one fear, and it’s serious and could be very destructive for our country’s future. I fear that the voter turnout will be far less than in 2020. If this happens, Trump has a real chance of becoming our nation’s first anti-American, fascist leader.   I am not alone in the fact that I did

It’s Obvious to Me, but the Media Refuses to Talk About Trump and Dementia

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It doesn’t require a medical professional to come to the conclusion that Trump is in the middle stages of dementia. He misspeaks constantly, can’t remember events, names, or what city he is in. Although he and I are just three weeks apart in age, my mind is much sharper than the obese, old man who wants to defile the White House once again. AGE IS A REALITY AND SOME AGE MORE QUICLY THAN OTHERS A 77, I cannot deny that age makes a difference. I have difficulty standing in one place, my eyesight is weakening, and I find other physical discomfort I choose not to discuss. However, I read. I am constantly looking for information. I have retained my comprehension and my awareness. Trump has become a rambling idiot. THE FOURTH ESTATE NO LONGER EXISTS In the 21 st century the truth does not exist on television. Most of the media is more concerned with profits and continued existence rather than the absolute truth. Television networks, both national and cable, continue