Once Again, the Mainstream Media is Hiding the Truth from the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If the former Fourth Estate was performing as intended, President Biden’s approval rating would be in the 60’s or higher. Our nation’s economy is better than it has been since 2001. The United States once again has the strongest economy in the world as it did prior to the George W. Bush administration.

Three Democratic Presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, rescued our nation from the fiscal incompetence of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Over the last 43 years Republicans offered irrefutable facts that they are incapable of governing 330 million people. They continue to serve special interests while ignoring the needs and wishes of 95 percent of our nation’s people.

The Best of the Best

Clinton left office in 2001. For the first time in decades our nation’s treasury registered a surplus; completely out of debt. Obama left office in 2017. He repaired the damage caused by Bush 43’s failed fiscal policy of “trickle-down economics,” and his choice to engage our nation in two illegal and unwinnable wars. Mr. Obama left the White House with America’s economy in full recovery.

President Biden accomplished more in three years than the last six did in 40. If the mainstream media reported the facts, our nation’s people would be rallying behind a great president, a working president who kept every promise he made, unlike his incompetent predecessor. Although he was forced to repair Trump’s failure to fight the effects of Covid-19, and prevent a depression, he hit the ground running on January 21, 2021 and continues to quietly lead our nation forward.

In Praise of Biden

I would be dishonest if I led you to believe that I was a Biden supporter during the 2020 campaign or even when he was elected. I voted against Trump and hoped that Mr. Biden would be and adequate leader.

However, I must admit that he has surpassed any expectations I might have had.

I must also admit that if I look at the ages of Trump and Mr. Biden, I wish our choice was not limited to two men in the latter years of their lives. However, I hope that my mind is as clear and strong as our President’s is at 81 years of age.

Trump is exactly three weeks older than me. Over the last few months it is clear that his mental faculties are in decline. During his infamous hate rallies Trump mumbles, stumbles, and displays an inability to recognize well-known men and women. He has nothing new to say. He repeats the same old lies over and over while attacking his many adversaries, Democratic and Republican. His rambling rhetoric continues to be filled with lies, anger, hatred, and the incitement of violent action on his behalf.

Become an Informed American Voter

It is no secret that the American people are the least informed in the world. Far too many of our country’s eligible voters believe they learn everything they need to know from television. Sadly, they are unaware that all television news is filled with lies and half-truths.

Only those of us who refuse to watch any television broadcast claiming to offer the “news” are aware of what is happening in our nation. It’s not always easy to find something to read which offers facts and not fiction, but it is there if you make an effort. You will never hear the complete truth on television.

Worse than the “boob tube” is social media. Anyone can say anything on Facebook, Twitter, or any other of the growing number of misleading sites on the internet. I boycotted all of them a few years ago. If you believe anything on any of them you are a fool. Never forget that Vladimir Putin’s use of social media was critical to Trump’s victory in the Electoral College. Our government continues to deny the facts, but those facts prove that if our government had informed the voting public of Putin’s efforts prior to the 2016 election, Trump would never have become the worst president in history. The 2016 election was undoubtedly rigged in the orange buffoon’s favor.

The Choice on November 5th is Much More than Deciding Which Old Man is Better

Our country is in the middle of a Second Civil War. This election will decide the winner. We will be making a decision between those who would replace our democratic government with a fascist regime, and those of us who are loyal to the nation of our Founding Fathers.

As for me, if my right to free thought and the freedom to choose how I live my life is removed, I will celebrate this old, aging body and the reality that I will not live long enough to see and experience the death of the dream.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle

“The Truth Lives Here”




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