Will 2024 be a Complete Repeat of 2020?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

It is clear that what no American voter wanted will happen on November 5th: a rematch of the 2020 election. If another contest between two old, white men is the best both parties can do, we will never have a functional government again.

Making the November 5th a complete remake of 2020 will likely be the fact that more voters will be voting against Trump than for President Biden.

I am positive that I was not alone in 2020. I was not a huge supporter of Mr. Biden, but I would have voted for anyone if it would prevent Trump from causing more damage to our nation if given another four years and assistance from his handler, Vladimir Putin.

Contrary to Trump’s “big lie,” President Biden crushed the orange buffoon by about eight million votes in 2020 in the only number that should count, the popular vote. A historic voter turnout guaranteed a win for Mr. Biden. The question is, “will this happen again?” I’m doubtful. It’s hard to encourage voters to go to the polls when the emotion of excitement is non-existent.

However, the bottom line is this contest is between two, old men, one who is a patriot and has a 40-year history of service and a man who hates America and would divide it permanently with the continued assistance of his handler. This election is literally about saving our democracy or surrendering to fascism and the current plutocracy. This is why our food, and utility prices are 40-60 percent higher than necessary.

Voting is a right we could lose under Trump. It is your duty to ensure the protection of your Constitutional rights. Trump and his MAGA Republicans will shred the Law of the Land if they take control of our federal government. Trump’s Neo-Nazi army would oversee his vile and destructive ambitions.

Change is not always good. President Biden saved our nation from another depression after Trump failed to do his job and save jobs and lives from Covid-19. Trump’s failed economic policy of “trickle-down economics” was a disaster, as it was for his three Republican predecessors. Since 1993 Democrats had to save our country from fiscal disasters after right-wing politicians proved they are incapable of governing 330 million people.

President Biden has placed our nation on the right track, and as he did to President Obama’s accomplishments, Trump would destroy everything which has been successful.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/3/5/2227513/-Are-you-an-enthusiastic-President-Biden-supporter-You-must-be-very-lonely?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web




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