
Showing posts with the label Reagan

You Voted For Them: You are to Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, and all the others: If you are complaining about our government and your life in general, and voted for these men or any other “MAGA Republican,” I do not feel sorry for you because you got what you voted for. In 2016 my state of Nevada became a “blue state.” We had a Republican Governor, but Brian Sandoval was the best of all since I moved here in 1986. However, in 2022, Nevada’s voters chose to elect an avid Trump supporter, and a totally unqualified former Clark County Sheriff, Joe Lombardo, to lead our state. The complaints about him are many, refusing to care for the needs of the majority and supporting big business at the top of the list. Once again, you deserve what happens to you if you voted for any Republican in the 21 st century. If you continue to support the three aforementioned men, who have never accomplished anything in their lives, you deserve what you get, including the possible end of our nation. Years ag

The Rapid Demise of the Party of Lincoln

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It began in 1981. It was a slow but study process. First, Republican politicians had their free thought removed. They were required to obey Ronald Reagan without question. By the time George W. Bush was given the Electoral College by the Supreme Court in 2000, complete loyalty and the surrender of dignity, principles, and morality began the absolute demise of the Party of Lincoln. Between 2017 and 2021, the Republican Party imploded and right-wing politicians became Republicans in Name Only. We should all demand that right-wing politicians change their party’s name to something more realistic. “The Donald Trump Party” is too pretentious. However, “The American Fascist Party” would be accurate and apropos. Every politician sitting on the right side of the aisle has surrendered themselves and their future to the worst man in the world, Donald John Trump. Every RINO in Washington has violated their oath of office in which these words are contained: “I swe

Without the Existence of the Grand Old Party, Who Will Today’s Fake Republicans Offer America in 2024?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The polls claim that Trump and DeSantis remain the favorites to win the “Republican” Party’s presidential nomination in 2024. That may have been the saddest sentence I have ever written. Not only are neither of them qualified to hold any public office, they share some the same “qualities,” none of them offering a positive outcome for the United States. Trump and DeSantis are hell bent on self-destruction. By their own words and actions they have proven themselves to be incompetent, in possession of low levels of intelligence, and are focused on ending democracy in America, replacing it with a fascist regime. The truth is clear. President Biden has accomplished more in his first two-and-one-half years than the previous four Republicans in their 24 years in the White House. Another fact is that the candidates for 2024 are some of the worst politicians in history, and woefully unfit to lead our nation. It is clear that they are all Trump wannabees. In

How Corporate Greed Murdered Customer Service in America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The first popular American Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower was elected in 1980. His name was Ronald Reagan. Those of us who voted for him were fooled by a movie star, not a great leader. He immediately began wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all other religions other than Christianity. His support for the wealthiest Americans soon became the policy of the entire Republican Party, and continues to this day. The truth is, that over the last 42 years, our nation is now controlled by plutocracy. The recent “Greedflation” was a clear example of this ongoing situation. There was no viable reason for corporations to raise prices on everything from gasoline to the price of eggs, but profits are the only concern of corporate America and the party who calls themselves “Republicans” today. Today, Walmart, Kroger, and other major stores have decided that billions of dollars in profit each year were not enough. Therefore, they decided to en