Without the Existence of the Grand Old Party, Who Will Today’s Fake Republicans Offer America in 2024?


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


The polls claim that Trump and DeSantis remain the favorites to win the “Republican” Party’s presidential nomination in 2024. That may have been the saddest sentence I have ever written. Not only are neither of them qualified to hold any public office, they share some the same “qualities,” none of them offering a positive outcome for the United States.

Trump and DeSantis are hell bent on self-destruction. By their own words and actions they have proven themselves to be incompetent, in possession of low levels of intelligence, and are focused on ending democracy in America, replacing it with a fascist regime.

The truth is clear. President Biden has accomplished more in his first two-and-one-half years than the previous four Republicans in their 24 years in the White House. Another fact is that the candidates for 2024 are some of the worst politicians in history, and woefully unfit to lead our nation.

It is clear that they are all Trump wannabees. In the latest polls, Trump controls 48 percent of Republican voters, DeSantis is second with just 12 percent. What this tells every American is interesting and frightening. Trump is a confirmed criminal, a traitor, incompetent, a sexual predator, and many other despicable things and remains the most popular “Republican” in America. This is absolute proof that the Party of Lincoln no longer exists. These men and women have no principles, no morals, and no desire to govern like true Americans.

The big question looms even larger. What loser will receive the party’s nomination in 2024? Four long years of Trump, a man who is not a true American, confirm our nation’s biggest mistake. No man or woman should be allowed to become our president if he or she does not love their country and place all of its people in priority number one.

There is little discussion about the fact that our nation is currently involved in a second Civil War, and once again racism and bigotry are at the center of the conflict. Today’s fake Republican Party is the party of not only white supremacy, but support the establishment of fascism in America.

I miss the Republican Party which existed until 1981. Since the inauguration of Ronald Reagan the principles, morals, and ideals of the GOP have ceased to exist. Trump’s illegitimate presidency destroyed the Party of Lincoln forever.

Op-ed by James Turnage






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