How Corporate Greed Murdered Customer Service in America

 Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The first popular American Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower was elected in 1980. His name was Ronald Reagan. Those of us who voted for him were fooled by a movie star, not a great leader. He immediately began wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all other religions other than Christianity. His support for the wealthiest Americans soon became the policy of the entire Republican Party, and continues to this day. The truth is, that over the last 42 years, our nation is now controlled by plutocracy.

The recent “Greedflation” was a clear example of this ongoing situation. There was no viable reason for corporations to raise prices on everything from gasoline to the price of eggs, but profits are the only concern of corporate America and the party who calls themselves “Republicans” today.

Today, Walmart, Kroger, and other major stores have decided that billions of dollars in profit each year were not enough. Therefore, they decided to end all forms of customer service.

I live in Northern Nevada. Every Walmart store has eliminated checkers and their stores are now 95 percent “self-serve.”

A couple of days ago, I received an email from my oldest and dearest friend who lives in Tennessee. He and his wife were shopping at their favorite market, Krogers. There were no checkout areas available other than self-serve. When they were attempting to check out, the machine continued to malfunction. Needing assistance, they learned that only one employee was available. They left frustrated and swore never to purchase anything from that store in the future.

Walmart is now complaining about a large increase in theft. I don’t think I need to explain this to anyone with average intelligence.

I am not a professional thief, but I can imagine many ways to lower my bill in a self-serve checkout stand. I seriously hope their greed costs them far more money than they hope to make in the future.

America has gone to s**t.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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