
What You Hear is the Republican Party Crumbling Into Dust

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For once the “experts” were right. It has been a slow process, but the Republican Party is crumbling. Although its destruction began in 1981, Trump’s illegitimate presidency hurried its demise. Most of today’s fake Republicans remained loyal to the worst president in American history until he began his baseless claim of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election, and organized the failed coup on January 6, 2021 while remaining in office. With the 2024 campaign season in its beginnings, more right-wing politicians are abandoning Trump and his cult. Although this is undoubtedly a good thing, those who would replace him as their party’s leader are unfit for office and would be as bad or worse than Trump. In all of modern history, Republicans have proven themselves incapable of governing our nation. Reagan began our escalating national debt, Bush 41 continued his fiscal policy, Bush 43 also employed “trickle-down economics” and placed our nation in two illegal

My Biggest Fear and the End of the United States of America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is undoubtedly a great thing for our nation’s future that Trump has been indicted for his organization, planning, and execution of the January 6, 2021 failed coup. However, if he is not convicted of sedition or treason, I am afraid that America will become extinct, and the dream will have become nothing but a memory. This is not a fear tactic, it is reality. If we have become a nation without laws, the Constitution, our traditions, our principles and values will become non-existent. If anyone has ever been convicted of our nation’s highest crime, how can Trump be exonerated? My wife and I watched all three hours of the January 6 insurrection, from the moment Trump ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College until the end of violence and desecration inside one of our most cherished buildings, and there can be no doubt about what happened on the darkest day in America’s history. This was the most egregious attack on the United

Donald Trump’s Enormous Ego Forced His Biggest Mistake


“I Could Shoot Someone in Times Square and Nothing Would Happen”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump has always believed that he is above the law. His life of crime is fraught with tales of financial crime and sexual misconduct. During the 2016 campaign he claimed that he “could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.” In 2018 and 2021, Moscow Mitch McConnell offered Trump proof that he was indeed above the law when he refused to conduct a fair trial after he was impeached twice by the House. In past articles I have proven that America’s entire justice system is broken from the cops on the street to the current biased Supreme Court. The rich and powerful are never treated fairly by law enforcement, or the courts. I only need to offer one situation to prove my allegation involving Donald John Trump. On January 6, 2021, he committed treason and yet he remains a free man. Later it was confirmed that he was hiding classified documents, including those related to nuclear power, in violation of the Espionage Act, the same act which was

I Want You to Think About the Reasons for, and the Reality of Domestic Terrorism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   From FBI Director Christopher Wray: “Domestic terrorism is the greatest threat to the American people.” Everyone remembers the name Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995 where 168 innocents were murdered, 19 of them small children. The media reported stories about Ted Kaczynski, dubbed “The Unabomber,” for 17 years, beginning in 1978. However, domestic terrorism is much more common in our country than reported by the media. Large events receive the headlines, but mass shootings continue to happen more frequently than the number of days on the calendar. After the cowardly attacks on 9/11, Republican politicians misdirected the facts related to domestic terrorism and focused their attacks on all Muslims, insinuating that they were all enemies of the United States. The truth is that the greatest danger lies within our own people, and it is related to uncontrolled gun violence and the greed of those involved in their manufacture and sales

From January 2017 Until 2023 Trump Faced Indictments and Investigations

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     For the first time in history, and hopefully the last, a President of the United States was under investigation for criminal actions from his first day in office. The day was January 20, 2017, and the illegitimate president inaugurated on that dark day was Donald John Trump.    Trump immediately faced allegations from 26 women of sexual misconduct. His policies focused on Muslims, and later Hispanics resulted in charges of racism and bigotry. He was under investigation for misuse of donations to his minimal inauguration. A letter signed by 25 reputable psychiatrists claimed that Trump was mentally unstable and unfit to lead our country. The list was long before he made his first state of the union address.   His actions became more extreme. Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time on December 18, 2019. The articles of impeachment charged him with abuse of power and\ obstruction of Congress. However, Moscow Mitch McConne

The “T” Word Everyone is Too Cowardly to Use

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     I am an honest man who always tells the truth, truth based on facts and experience. I love my country and what it stands for. I have never caused harm to or defrauded others to fill my wallet. I also had three wives, but treated them with respect and when the marriages ended, we went our separate ways without malice or animosity. The truth is, we have only shared one thing in our 77 years on this planet: we both watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, and did nothing. I lacked the power to do anything about what were irrefutable acts of Treason. Trump cheered them on, enjoying every moment as his neo-Nazi army waged war on the Congress of the United States. The term is clearly “treason.”   It is a sad fact that America’s justice system is not blind, fair or balanced. Although many individuals have been punished for their actions on January 6, none of them have been tried for the gravity of their crimes. This was not a riot, or a violent protest, this