This Supreme Court Did Something Right
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
It is no secret that I have been a frequent critic of the
Supreme Court since 2020. I have good reason and a huge responsibility to
criticize it for its corruption and political bias.
However, when it does the right thing, I also have a responsibility
to praise them for their actions.
Thanks to a poorly written Second Amendment, which is
ambiguous and lacks definition, the NRA gun lobby, paid for by gun
manufacturers and gun sellers, has used this one amendment to the Bill of
Rights for their own benefit. Gun violence began to escalate in America in
1976, the same year the NRA ceased its purpose as a gun safety organization,
and aligned itself with the corporate world.
The most recent statistic I found was from 2022. In that one
year, 48,117 men, women, and children lost their lives from the use of a gun. Firearm
suicide: 26,993 people. Firearm homicide: 19,592 people. Unintentional gun
injury: 472 people. Fatal shooting by law enforcement: 649 people.
The statistic most interesting to me is the number of deaths
by homicide.
Of the 19,592 killed, most were women and children. In most
cases, the perpetrator was someone who had an intimate relationship with his victims.
Domestic violence remains a “dirty little secret.” Seldom do
these mostly men receive fair punishment for their crimes. All too often they
repeat their violent actions, but with even more excessive violence until one
or more innocent victims lose their lives.
[On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically
abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this
equates to more than 10 million women and men.]
On Friday, the Supreme Court upheld a federal law preventing
convicted domestic abusers from possessing firearms by a vote of 8-1. The lone
dissent was offered by who else, Clarence Thomas.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, said
the court had “no trouble” coalescing around the idea that an individual who
poses a threat can be denied access to weapons.
“Our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government
to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of
others,” Roberts wrote.
Clarence Thomas offered his biased opinion as a lifetime
supporter of the NRA, not considering the safety of the American people.
“The court and government do not point to a single
historical law revoking a citizen’s Second Amendment right based on possible
interpersonal violence,” Thomas wrote. “Yet, in the interest of ensuring the
Government can regulate one subset of society, today’s decision puts at risk
the Second Amendment rights of many more.”
Read the Second Amendment and decide for yourself if it
clearly defines who can possess today’s weapons of mass destruction.
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security
of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
Let’s take a closer look.
When the Second Amendment was approved by the Constitutional
Congress, the New Nation did not have a standing army. The wording of the
amendment reflects that fact.
Nowhere does it allow unrestricted possession of weapons designed
for the sole purpose of killing other human beings. Handguns and military assault
rifles have no other purpose.
Does anyone believe that if our Founding Fathers could have
seen into the future and witnessed the destruction one assault rifle, equipped
with a high-output magazine and a bump stock could inflict upon a group of
innocent people, that they would have written such an ambiguous law?
There are reasons why in most states carrying a concealed
weapon without a permit is forbidden. There are reasons why only the military
and law enforcement are allowed to possess firearms in many countries. There is
a valid reason why the United States has become the most dangerous nation in
the world. With the ability for anyone to purchase a gun at any time in some
manner, there are more mass shootings than days on the calendar each year.
Recently the corrupted Supreme Court struck down a law preventing
the sale of bump stocks, which convert semiautomatic weapons into machine guns.
Bump Stocks were the reason why on October 1, 2017 a lone gunman was able to
kill 58 people and injure more than 400 at a concert in Las Vegas.
However, this little step is encouraging. Domestic violence has
not been addressed with a level of importance in my lifetime. My father
constantly beat my mother. He chased me because I defended her, but he couldn’t
catch me. I was young and hid under cars and in places he could not get to me.
I kept dimes in my pocket to call the cops. When they came,
they did nothing.
The majority of men and some women who commit domestic
violence not only repeat their crimes, they do so with an increasing level of
Taking guns away from them is a beginning, but much more
must be done. Americans who sell marijuana in states where it remains illegal, are
prosecuted to a greater degree than those who commit domestic violence.
I remain doubtful that this Court will do the right thing
most of the time. However, I do praise the eight justices who acted to protect
the safety of women and children: everyone except Clarence Thomas.
Op-ed by James Turnage
My novels are available on Amazon
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