
Showing posts with the label Cowardice

Is Anyone Afraid of a Cowardly Bully Named Donald Trump’s Meaningless Threats?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is desperate. He continues to face 91 indictments for felonious actions over 77 years. He lacks credibility and any manor of legitimacy in his lifetime of criminal activity. His crimes involve the fact that he is a sexual predator, a racist and a bigot. Other criminal actions include bribery, fraud, and tax evasion. Murder can be added for his failure to take action to save lives when he chose to ignore the dangers of an approaching coronavirus. Another Threat from the Leader of America’s Neo-Nazi Movement On Tuesday, while holding another of his infamous hate rallies, Trump threatened anyone who refused to vote for him in November with another “blood bath.” Personally, I welcome his threat. His “people” have proven themselves to be cowards who when faced with resistance will crawl back into the slime at the bottom of cesspools. All Bullies are Cowards, and Trump lost his Cojones Years Ago Trump is a draft dodger, and a coward like no other in

Lauren Boebert: Traitor, Fascist, Unfit for Office, and a Huge Coward

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an irrefutable fact that Jim Jordan, Steve Scalise, Mike Johnson, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and others are traitors, fascists, and unfit for office. So it should surprise no one that Boebert has announced that she will be running for election in a different district in 2024. She very nearly lost her last election running in Colorado’s third district, receiving just 546 more votes than her opponent. She will be running in the fourth district where the politics are more extreme and favor Trump and his fascist party. She is another right-wing coward, a member of the extremist group calling themselves “the Freedom Caucus,” and an enemy of every patriotic American in our country. I am “sick and tired of this fake Republican Party.” They not only lack the morals and principles of the former GOP, they lack the intelligence and competency to lead our nation. They are an embarrassment to their predecessors and the positions t

Absolute, Undeniable, and Proof that Republicans in the House are Worthless and Immoral

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Today the House voted on a motion to expel George Santos from Congress. Santos is accused of multiple violations of the law, received a win in 2022 under false pretenses, and no one can verify his identity. However, the fake Republicans in the House failed to remove him on Wednesday. This was another embarrassment for the once Grand Old Party. They failed to remove a man who is nothing more than a con man and a class clown from the legislative body of the United States. This explains why our nation’s individual who is second in line for the presidency, Mike Johnson, is the Speaker of the House, although he opposes the First Amendment of the Constitution. Every day Santos remains in our legislature is a mockery about how horrible, incompetent, corrupt, and dysfunctional our government has become. We are a nation without leaders, and without laws. Anyone who is given a voice in Washington is allowed to voice opinions opposed to the principles, morals, and ideals

The “T” Word Everyone is Too Cowardly to Use

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     I am an honest man who always tells the truth, truth based on facts and experience. I love my country and what it stands for. I have never caused harm to or defrauded others to fill my wallet. I also had three wives, but treated them with respect and when the marriages ended, we went our separate ways without malice or animosity. The truth is, we have only shared one thing in our 77 years on this planet: we both watched the insurrection on January 6, 2021, and did nothing. I lacked the power to do anything about what were irrefutable acts of Treason. Trump cheered them on, enjoying every moment as his neo-Nazi army waged war on the Congress of the United States. The term is clearly “treason.”   It is a sad fact that America’s justice system is not blind, fair or balanced. Although many individuals have been punished for their actions on January 6, none of them have been tried for the gravity of their crimes. This was not a riot, or a violent protest, this

The Right Wing Continues to Offer Us the Worst Possible Professional Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     You know their names: Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert , Marjorie Taylor Greene. In first place is the worst Senate Majority Leader in History, followed by the worst Senator in History, and finally four of the worst members of the House in history. I have one more position and one more name to add: Kevin McCarthy, the worst Speaker of the House in history, even worse than Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert.   Let’s look at his beginning. He is the first Speaker of the House not to be elected on the first ballot. The sad truth is that he was not popular with any one group, and it required 15 votes for him to receive the gavel. He remains a staunch supporter of the worst man in American history, a traitor who attempted to overthrow his own government while still residing in the White House.   What America needs most are great leaders. Sadly, such a commodity does not exist in Washington i n 2023. Those who call themsel