The Right Wing Continues to Offer Us the Worst Possible Professional Politicians
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
You know their names: Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene. In first place is the worst Senate Majority Leader in History, followed by the worst Senator in History, and finally four of the worst members of the House in history. I have one more position and one more name to add: Kevin McCarthy, the worst Speaker of the House in history, even worse than Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert.
Let’s look at his beginning. He is the first Speaker of the House not to be elected on the first ballot. The sad truth is that he was not popular with any one group, and it required 15 votes for him to receive the gavel. He remains a staunch supporter of the worst man in American history, a traitor who attempted to overthrow his own government while still residing in the White House.
What America needs most are great leaders. Sadly, such a commodity does not exist in Washington in 2023. Those who call themselves “Republicans” today have not had a legitimate leader since January of 1992 in any branch of our government.
Recently a single action by McCarthy confounds everyone. He seems to have a close relationship with Greene. What confuses everyone involved in American politics is, “how can anyone support a woman who is so extreme, so fascist, that she has been removed from the anti-American “Freedom Caucus.”
McCarthy is the weakest Speaker in history and proves it constantly as he vacillates between moderates, moderate extremists in the TEA Party, and the far right whose members including Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Steve Scalise and others, composing the Freedom Caucus.
Let’s go back to 1995 and the selection of a man as the Speaker who was not only a sexual deviate but a felon, Newt Gingrich. Gingrich was undoubtedly one of the most disgusting men to ever become involved in American politics. His stand on “family values” was a farce. Gingrich divorced his first wife for one reason. Although she was battling for her life, facing cancer, he demanded that she agree to an “open marriage.” He was also accused of a dozen felonies, but only charged with one and forced to resign.
Dennis Hastert replaced him in 1999. The only thing Hastert did of importance was after his time as the Speaker, and his eventual exposure as a child molester. He served until 2007, and his crimes were revealed after he had been out of office nearly a decade. I have no doubt that hiding the truth was standard operating procedure for legislators from both sides of the aisle. They protect each other, another “good old boys club.”
Nancy Pelosi followed Hastert in 2007. She was effective, honorable, and led with grace and dignity. My only complaint is that she was too easy on her Republican adversaries.
John Boehner followed Ms. Pelosi in 2011. I could say many things about a man who is on the list of the worst, but I will be brief. He was weak and lacked the ability to lead. He was overpowered by a growing number of extremist groups within his own party. His reputation was as an alcoholic. That problem raised an emotional level which prevented his ability to lead or control his radical and incompetent party.
In 2015 Paul Ryan became the 114th Speaker of the House. I had high hopes until he agreed to become Mitt Romney’s running mate in 2012. His lies and fallacious attacks against President Obama were revolting. When Trump was inaugurated, he joined every other member of his party in the highest level of hypocrisy I have ever witnessed. He brought nothing but shame to his position as third in line for the Presidency.
Ms. Pelosi held the gavel once again in 2019 in the middle of Trump’s illegitimate presidency. She was constantly forced to fight against those who pretended to be Republicans, but were in fact loyal only to Donald Trump.
Which brings us to McCarthy. After a record 15 votes, he came into power on January 7, 2023. I use the word “power” loosely. In just seven months he has proven to be the least effective Speaker in history. He owes everyone on the right side of the aisle, as well as Donald Trump, and chooses to ignore his responsibility to the American people and the people of California.
History will not be kind to McCarthy, nor should it be. He is a wuss and uses his position in our government to achieve his own goals. The truth is he is afraid to do the right thing, knowing that the extremists in the House can vote him out as the Speaker at any time.
Our government is corrupt and broken beyond repair. It’s time to start over and find men and women who care about all 330 million Americans and are willing to serve us, not rule over us.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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