
Showing posts with the label Failures

The Real Victims in the Trump Saga

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s defense strategy has changed, slightly. He claims that all of his legal battles are founded in political strategy, created by his enemies. He is playing the role of a victim. I guess part of Trump’s decline in mental acuity is a severe loss of memory. He appears to forget that many of the crimes he is accused of began long before he made the mistake of seeking the presidency. Others, including his insurrection on January 6, and stolen classified documents are actions witnessed by every American. We are not falling for your bullshit, Donnie Boy. THE REAL VICTIMS A brief look at Trump’s history reveals a life of crime. From bribing public officials, and refusing to pay contractors, to allegations of physical, sexual assault, the orange buffoon left a long trail of victims. As your illegitimate president, he violated the basic human rights of thousands. According to medical experts, Trump’s failure to take timely action to prevent an oncoming

If You are a Republican who Supports Trump, I Doubt that You Possess Common Sense

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I assume that if you support Trump you continue to live in 1950’s America, or you would prefer to. However, the current date shows us that we are nearly one quarter through the 21 st century, and if we haven’t moved on from our nation’s dark, warlike, and prejudiced past, we are doomed and will not survive another 25 years. Case in point: the Second Amendment should be revoked or at the very least rewritten. In its present form it remains ambiguous, and extremely difficult to place in terms which make sense in the 21 st century. What is perfectly clear is nowhere in the short and controversial amendment is there a definition of what type of weapons can be legally possessed by ordinary citizens. For example. The Supreme Court is considering whether or not “bump stocks” are protected by the Constitution. I am certainly not a Constitutional scholar. However, a simple understanding of the situation in 1789 when the Constitution was completed and signed by our Foun

Trump, Haley, Cruz, Graham, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, and other Republicans Continue Offering Fodder for Late-Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For the last two decades right-wing politicians have proven themselves good for only one thing: fodder for writers on late-night television. Not a single man or woman calling themselves “Republican” in the 21 st century is fit to run for office at any level. Now, in 2024, this has become a very sad fact. The only presidential candidates offered by the once Grand Old Party are an obese man who is facing 91 felony indictments, including treason, theft of secret documents, and a lifetime of fraud related to his failed business enterprises, and a woman who lost to “none of these candidates” in the Nevada state primary. At the age of 77, I remember that if a candidate had an affair or had a divorce in his past, he was forced to withdraw. Trump has had three wives, numerous affairs and unwanted sexual encounters, but Republican voters don’t give a damn. As long as he supports white supremacy, homophobia, Islamophobia, remains a suppressor of women’s rights, he is ele

One Very Small Candy Bar, $3.69?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was 10-12 years old, my favorite candy bar was the Milky Way. I would often buy one as I walked home from school. It cost me five cents. The last time I shopped at a store, a smaller version of that same candy bar cost $1.18. I can no longer be on my feet long enough to shop. However, my wife was shopping today and sent me a text with a picture of candy bars on a shelf. The cost was about $3.59 each, and they looked even smaller. Can you say “Greedflation?” And people wonder why I hate corporations.   Millions of Americans choose to deny the truth. In our grocery stores, consumers pay the same or a greater price for every item they purchase , although the content is less than it was one year ago. For example, a package of bacon which sold for $3.99 a pound, 16 oz ., is now just 12 oz ., costing an average of $5.99. The same is true for a half-gallon of ice cream, at about the same rate.   These examples prove that there are numerous cases of fraud pe

You Voted For Them: You are to Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, and all the others: If you are complaining about our government and your life in general, and voted for these men or any other “MAGA Republican,” I do not feel sorry for you because you got what you voted for. In 2016 my state of Nevada became a “blue state.” We had a Republican Governor, but Brian Sandoval was the best of all since I moved here in 1986. However, in 2022, Nevada’s voters chose to elect an avid Trump supporter, and a totally unqualified former Clark County Sheriff, Joe Lombardo, to lead our state. The complaints about him are many, refusing to care for the needs of the majority and supporting big business at the top of the list. Once again, you deserve what happens to you if you voted for any Republican in the 21 st century. If you continue to support the three aforementioned men, who have never accomplished anything in their lives, you deserve what you get, including the possible end of our nation. Years ag

How the Once Grand Old Party Devolved Into This…

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz: these are just a few of not only the worst legislators in American history, but the worst people ever to unjustly claim the title of “American.” How did this happen? How did our government become the most corrupt, incompetent, and uncaring in the world? Let’s stop lying to ourselves. This situation is our fault. These people were not ‘hired’ for their positions, they received enough votes to win elections. We, the voting public, are to blame for the fact that America has the worst government in the free world. Voters in Ohio, Georgia, Colorado, Florida, and other states simply chose to support anger, hatred, and support violence against minorities, Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, and all women rather than display any form of patriotism. These fake Republicans who call themselves the “Freedom Caucus,” have no interest in effectively governing our nation. They serve their masters; the plutocrats who actua

Just Good People Doing the Right Thing and Saving Refugees

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Everyone asks themselves several questions during their lifetime. One of the most frequent is “what is my purpose in life?” For most of us that question is never answered directly. Some refuse to recognize the answer when it comes to them. And others find their own answer, whether or not it is legitimate. The reality is that each of us must seek our own answer, it is within all of us. If we listen closely to our own thoughts, we can solve the question for ourselves. Anastasiya Veli is Ukrainian and Orhan Veli is half Russian, and they have one thing in common: they have found their purpose. They decided to make a difference. As I write this, the couple has saved 11 refugees from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Although Orhan is not from Ukraine, he is a refugee. His family fled from Azerbaijan when he was just 11 years old, and the Soviet union was breaking apart. "I was a kid without anything. My parents had nothing. And little by little we were able to kin

How the Media Colluded in Both the Demise of the GOP and the Fourth Estate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   As a very young man I watched the evening news on television in the 1950’s and 60’s. Long before the time when satellites were launched giving everyone the ability to see and hear events around the world as they happen, one half hour of news on our local network kept us informed of important events happening around the globe. Legendary newsmen with names like Cronkite, Murrow, and Chancellor offered their viewers information without opinion or inuendo, allowing watchers an opportunity to assess the information for themselves. There are no “news” shows remaining. “Television news” offers entertainment with a few facts thrown in occasionally. Here are some of the headlines on Google’s first page this morning, August 20, 2023. ‘I could sell golf’: How DeSantis and aides courted lobbyists for campaign cash Donald Trump's campaign lashes out at Ron DeSantis after he calls some supporters 'listless vessels' CBS News poll finds Trump's b

The Rapid Demise of the Party of Lincoln

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It began in 1981. It was a slow but study process. First, Republican politicians had their free thought removed. They were required to obey Ronald Reagan without question. By the time George W. Bush was given the Electoral College by the Supreme Court in 2000, complete loyalty and the surrender of dignity, principles, and morality began the absolute demise of the Party of Lincoln. Between 2017 and 2021, the Republican Party imploded and right-wing politicians became Republicans in Name Only. We should all demand that right-wing politicians change their party’s name to something more realistic. “The Donald Trump Party” is too pretentious. However, “The American Fascist Party” would be accurate and apropos. Every politician sitting on the right side of the aisle has surrendered themselves and their future to the worst man in the world, Donald John Trump. Every RINO in Washington has violated their oath of office in which these words are contained: “I swe