
Showing posts with the label Incompetent

U.S. Government Officials Who are Loyal to Trump and Putin

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and several right-wing Senators: these are some of our nation’s elected officials who are traitors to their nation and loyal to Trump and Putin, not to the American people. Trump is not real. What you see is a façade. He never was our country’s president. He never was a successful businessman. He is not an American. Donald John Trump is an opportunist: a con man who has become a cult leader, not unlike Jim Jones or David Koresh. The story of his life reveals a life of crime and immoral behavior not seen before other than in movies. LET’S RETURN TO THE 2016 CAMPAIGN: THE BEGINNING OF AMERICA’S DISGRACE AND SHAME The 2016 campaign season began very early. Ted Cruz, who had been a senator for only two years, with a single accomplishment, shutting down the government, announced his intention to win the Republican presidential nomination on March 23, 2015, at Liberty University. The University staff announced that attending

There Will be Only One Legitimate Candidate on the 2024 Ballot

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Here are the facts. On November 5, 2024 the American people will choose the man who will lead our nation for the next four years. This man must be an American citizen who will keep his oath to serve every American and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Tradition demands that he be qualified for the office he seeks, and possess a strong moral character. By law, he must be at least 35 years of age, and a natural born citizen who has been a resident of the United States for 14 consecutive years. ACCORDING TO THESE STANDARDS, ONLY ONE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE WILL BE ON THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER Other than the last sentence I previously wrote, only President Biden is qualified to be our nation’s president. Trump is unfit for any office at any level. I’m going to forget the fact that the 14 th Amendment prevents Trump from running for office, and the Court ignored the Constitution. Let’s take a look at everything else which prev

I Cannot Wait to Hear Trump’s Testimony During his Case Related to Charges of Bribing a Porn Star

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Another first for the worst man in the world. Not one of Trump’s predecessors or successors has ever been charged with a felony before, during, or after he was removed from the White House. Trump’s list of accomplishments continues to grow. After his illegitimate election in 2016, he was investigated for collusion with Vladimir Putin to rig the election. Although our government denies the effectiveness of this allegation, years of statements, controversial actions, and cover-up have proven every accusation a reality. NUMBER ONE ON AMERICA’S MOST WANTED LIST Trump’s lifelong history is filled with fraud, bribery of government officials, and illegal business ventures with the aid of foreign agents. He was impeached twice in four years for cause, but failed to receive a fair trial in the senate. He planned and organized a failed coup which took place on January 6, 2021. When he was evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021, he stole national secret

Agism on the Rise in America Thanks to the Media and the Late Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am nearly 78 years old. However, watching interviews on television, I am positive that I know more about everything than 98 percent of our nation’s people 30 years old and younger. I am also more informed than anyone aged 50 or under. I am disgusted with television and the print media for making President Biden’s age an issue. He has accomplished more in one term than any president since Bill Clinton. He has worked harder than Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump combined to solve our most important domestic issues. TRUMP IS OLDER THAN BIDEN PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY On November 5, 2024, the President will be 81 years old. He will be 82 later in the month. Trump will be 78, and his 79 th birthday will be in June of 2025. They are both elderly. However, chronological age at this point in their lives is less critical than their physical and mental health. Judging the President by his accomplishments and his work ethic is far greater than most individuals his

Electing Trump at Any Cost, and the Cost is Great

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart They call themselves “conservatives,” but that’s far from the truth. Most of the professional politicians sitting on the right side of the aisle on Capitol Hill are in reality extremists. They have moved so far to the right they have embraced the beliefs of fascism, abandoning all support for a democratic society in America. Today’s fake Republicans made a decision to support Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election and will now do anything to help him in his reelection bid: and I mean anything. Definitely not the Party of Lincoln Although they know that their party’s leader is a traitor, a seditionist, and a lifetime sexual predator and overall criminal, they will remain loyal to the worst president in history. Those who claim to be members of the former Grand Old Party, are in fact men and women without morals, principles, integrity, and are most definitely not “Christians.” In 2024, the fight for the presidency is clearly between the forces of evil and debauch

Trump: Immature, Malignant Narcissist, Mentally Unbalanced, Egomaniac, Jealous

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If asked to describe Donald John Trump, the adjectives I would choose could not be flattering. He is not someone any normal person would like to know, or even be with in the same room. I am not qualified to psychoanalyze the orange buffoon, but it seems very clear that he is an unhappy old man without any self-respect. He knows that his life is a tale of failure and criminal activity. This is why his speeches are filled with attacks on other men and women who have achieved some success in their lives. He is jealous and aware that he will never have what they earned. Attempting to Discredit President Biden Proves that Trump Knows that he Could Never Accomplish What Mr. Biden Has Between 2017 and 2021, nothing positive was accomplished for the American people. The opposite is reality. Trump placed shame on our nation’s reputation around the world. He intentionally divided our nation’s people. For every day he pretended to be your president, he committed at least o

As a Leader of the American Fascist Party, Ted Cruz has Reason to be Afraid

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is a solid reason why Ted Cruz will always be known as the worst senator in American history. He sucks. First elected in 2012, after he took office in January his first effort was to shut down our government and put thousands of federal employees out of work: except he and his fellow Congressmen .    A Man with no Spine, who is Void of Dignity and Integrity   During the 2016 campaign, he refused to fight back when he was constantly insulted by the orange buffoon. Trump didn’t stop there. He literally called Cruz’ wife “ugly.” Cruz refused to defend Heidi. Then he baselessly accused Cruz’ father of assisting Lee Harvey Oswald with the assassination of JFK. No response.   Now for the part which reveals levels of cowardice and hypocrisy I had never seen. When Cruz suspended his campaign, he began kissing Trump’s humongous derriere and worked for his campaign. I couldn’t make this shit up. He is now one of the leaders of the right-wing extremists who p

Trump Will Reunite the Old Gang, the Washington Mafia

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart You might remember when Trump pardoned some of our nation’s biggest traitors. Even more laughable, he gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to one of the worst Americans in history, Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh divided our nation for decades and “freedom” was something he never believed in for anyone but pure whites. Don’t fear, followers of Trumpenstein, he’s getting the Washington Mafia back together again. MAKING AMERICA ASHAMED AGAIN Paul Manafort was convicted of bank and tax fraud. He was sentenced to seven and one-half years in prison. However, he was released after two when Trump’s coronavirus began to spread across America. To no one’s surprise, Trump is welcoming the convict back to his team of criminals and degenerates. “Birds of a feather.” “I ONLY HIRE THE BEST PEOPLE”  Trump lied again when he promised his supporters that his administration would be composed of “only the best people.” The men and women he chose were woefully unqualified and incompetent

Trump’s Plans for America’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   He began with a reduction in Social Security benefits, but that was just the beginning. Trump’s latest plans include praising his idol, Adolf Hitler, cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and pardoning the traitors who stormed our nation’s Captol Building on January 6.   Trump Revealed his Love for Adolf Hitler While Still in Office   Former General and Trump Chief of Staff, John Kelly admitted that Trump said: “Hitler did some good things.” Kelly responded with a stern warning for the orange buffoon.   "And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,’” Kelly told CNN. “I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.”   General Kelly added the following to the interview.   “He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that, ” Kelly said. “He truly believed, when he brought