As a Leader of the American Fascist Party, Ted Cruz has Reason to be Afraid

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

There is a solid reason why Ted Cruz will always be known as the worst senator in American history. He sucks. First elected in 2012, after he took office in January his first effort was to shut down our government and put thousands of federal employees out of work: except he and his fellow Congressmen 

A Man with no Spine, who is Void of Dignity and Integrity 

During the 2016 campaign, he refused to fight back when he was constantly insulted by the orange buffoon. Trump didn’t stop there. He literally called Cruz’ wife “ugly.” Cruz refused to defend Heidi. Then he baselessly accused Cruz’ father of assisting Lee Harvey Oswald with the assassination of JFK. No response. 

Now for the part which reveals levels of cowardice and hypocrisy I had never seen. When Cruz suspended his campaign, he began kissing Trump’s humongous derriere and worked for his campaign. I couldn’t make this shit up. He is now one of the leaders of the right-wing extremists who plan to reelect Trump and end democracy in America forever. 

Fascists are Cowards: They Have Reason to Be 

Cruz has added a “pork barrel” attachment to a bill which will fund the FAA through 2028. He wants taxpayers to pay for extra security at our nation’s airports. The add-on would provide a personal security detail for high level public officials, including himself, whenever they travel on commercial airlines. Between you and me, he’s not worth a penny of my tax dollars.  

We Should have Allowed Texas to Secede from the Union 

In 2021 Cruz was a member of a group of Texas politicians who suggested their state secede from the Union. We should have said, “great; how fast can you make it happen?” 

Cruz is not smart enough to understand that every military base in Texas belongs to the federal government. The majority of Texans are in the low-income level or below the poverty line. There would be no federal funds to assist the government or people of the Lone Star state. They would be responsible for maintaining airports, highways, schools, and hospitals. They could be charged a fee when traveling to neighboring states. They would be entering the United States from a foreign country. The best part is that our government would be rid of two of the worst men in Washington: Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott would be quickly ignored and forgotten. 

I can dream. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle 

“The truth lives here” 


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