Trump: Immature, Malignant Narcissist, Mentally Unbalanced, Egomaniac, Jealous

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If asked to describe Donald John Trump, the adjectives I would choose could not be flattering. He is not someone any normal person would like to know, or even be with in the same room.

I am not qualified to psychoanalyze the orange buffoon, but it seems very clear that he is an unhappy old man without any self-respect. He knows that his life is a tale of failure and criminal activity. This is why his speeches are filled with attacks on other men and women who have achieved some success in their lives. He is jealous and aware that he will never have what they earned.

Attempting to Discredit President Biden Proves that Trump Knows that he Could Never Accomplish What Mr. Biden Has

Between 2017 and 2021, nothing positive was accomplished for the American people. The opposite is reality. Trump placed shame on our nation’s reputation around the world. He intentionally divided our nation’s people. For every day he pretended to be your president, he committed at least on violation of the Constitution. When he was required to lead our nation early in 2020, after being informed about the approach of a deadly coronavirus, he had no idea what to do. For three months he told the American people, “it will just go away.” In March Americans began to die.

The total lives lost related to Covid-19 reached more than one million, and Trump is directly responsible for a large number of those deaths. However, Trump did not end his vile reign of terror in 2020.

On January 6, 2021, while continuing to defile the White House, Trump executed an attempted coup. He began planning and organizing the insurrection immediately after a huge loss in the general election.

When he was forced out of the White House on January 20, he stole an estimated 14 boxes of national secrets. He continues to offer proof that he is not an American and cannot be allowed to run for any political office.

Without an Iota of Integrity or Dignity, Trump Displayed a Lack of Class with his Latest Attack on the President

[Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump drew criticism Friday for posting a video on social media that contains the image of a hog-tied President Joe Biden painted on the tailgate of a passing truck.]

As he has displayed in the past, Trump is his own worst enemy. He is receiving well-deserved criticism from both Democrats and Republicans for his most recent display of an extremely low intellect which resulted in childish behavior.

Unfit for Office

Trump is not qualified to operate a lemonade stand, and certainly unfit to be in control of the lives of more than 330 million people. His 77 years on earth offer a story of a man who failed at everything he attempted without aid from the leaders of foreign nations.

After he left Wharton, with what appears to be an illegitimate diploma, he was given more than 400 million dollars by his father, Fred. In just months he lost every penny. However, with help from Russian oligarchs, he was able to retain his real estate holdings.

Several years later, after bankrupting an Atlantic City casino, he needed assistance from the Saudi Royal Family.

Trump could not have won the 2016 Electoral College vote without the interference of Vladimir Putin. Our government has attempted to downplay the importance of his collusion with Russia, but the facts speak for themselves. There is no doubt that Putin is behind Trump’s 2024 campaign.

Our nation cannot afford another four years of the worst president in America’s history. Please vote on November 5th.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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“The Truth Lives Here”





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