Trump’s Plans for America’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

He began with a reduction in Social Security benefits, but that was just the beginning. Trump’s latest plans include praising his idol, Adolf Hitler, cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and pardoning the traitors who stormed our nation’s Captol Building on January 6. 

Trump Revealed his Love for Adolf Hitler While Still in Office 

Former General and Trump Chief of Staff, John Kelly admitted that Trump said: “Hitler did some good things.” Kelly responded with a stern warning for the orange buffoon. 

"And I said, ‘Sir, you can never say anything good about the guy. Nothing,’” Kelly told CNN. “I mean, Mussolini was a great guy in comparison.” 

General Kelly added the following to the interview. 

“He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that,” Kelly said. “He truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal — that we would do anything he wanted us to do." 

Trump knows little about anything. 

Medicare and Social Security Recipients to Pay for Tax Cuts for the Super Rich 

For the “umpteenth” time Trump proves that he cares nothing about the future of the majority. His only reasons for intentionally harming our nation’s elderly by reducing benefits in Social Security and Medicare would allow additional tax cuts for the super-rich. Several of our country’s major corporations and wealthiest individuals paid little or no taxes in 2023. Trump’s plans would add trillions of dollars to the national debt. 

Like Three Republican Presidents Before Him, Trump’s Fiscal Policy Would Bankrupt Our Nation 

Trump is broke, not only broke, but in debt for millions of dollars. After losing a defamation case followed by a conviction of fraud in New York, he owes 528 million dollars in punitive damages. 

The results from his New York fraud case proved that Trump was incapable of making money legally. I wrote about his practice of lowering the value of his properties at tax time and raising values when asking for loans about eight years ago.  

I Remember When the Character of a Man Running for President Mattered 

Republicans no longer consider principles, morals, honesty, or integrity when voting for their president. All that matters, the only qualification, is having an “R” next to his or her name. Trump has violated the principles of the former Grand Old Party many, many times. He is a blight on his party, his country, and the world. Between 2017 and 2021 I was ashamed to be an American. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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“The Truth Lives Here” 



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