
Showing posts with the label Neo-Nazis

When Will the Truth About the Relationship Between Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein be Told?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The one constant in Donald Trump’s life is his need for sexual perversion, and control over women. His actions parallel tales of serial rapists. A recent interview with Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model, who allegedly had a brief affair with Trump, appears to reveal that the practice of “catch and kill” is standard operating procedure for the orange buffoon and other celebrities: many of whom were exposed during the height of the “me too” movement. Catch and Kill simply means gaining access to stories which would likely create controversy, and destroying them before the public can read or watch them. We know that Trump frequently partied with Jeffrey Epstein. Although multiple allegations have been made about Trump’s close relationship with Epstein, there has never been a comprehensive investigation. We may never know if Trump engaged in sexual relations with underage women. Catch and Kill will undoubtedly be part of the plan to hide the truth. TRUMP’S TACT

Hate the Super-Rich? Can’t Blame You: Billionaires Are Your Enemy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The United States of America has become a Plutocracy thanks to the anti-American efforts of those who call themselves “conservatives,” the TEA Party and the Freedom Caucus. Our country is no longer a Democratic Republic, as designed by our Founding Fathers. It is now under the control of 765 billionaires. If you are angry about the 40 percent increase in your grocery bill, I understand. If your utility bill has risen by 30-50 percent, I feel your  anger. If you live on a fixed income, and your overall cost of living has increased by 30-70 percent, you should hate corporations and your government which are complicit with the wealthy to make your lives more difficult. The average Social Security COLA is less than four percent. Both the 2010 and the 2020 Decennial Census’ revealed a disturbing fact. Adjusting for inflation, the average working family has not received an increase in their income for nearly 40 years, while the number of billionaires and millionaires

Kyle Rittenhouse: A Name That Will Live in Infamy

Op-ed by TheWiseOld Fart   If you shot and killed two men, and injured another with the use of a military assault rifle, although they were unarmed, what do you think would happen? I’ll make this easy, “kiss your ass good-by.”   However, if you joined a group of Neo-Nazis who were harassing a group of peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors, and were verbally chastised by supporters, things might be different. This is what occurred in August of 2020 in Kenosha Wisconsin.   America is now a Nation Without Laws   A trial was held in 2021. A very biased jury acquitted Rittenhouse of two counts of first- degree murder, supporting his claim of “ self-defense .”   Rittenhouse, now 21-years-old, was invited to speak at the University of Memphis Wednesday. I see no reason to invite anyone who got away with murder to speak at one of our nation’s universities. However, he accepted the invitation. During his address, he was confronted by a student who protested Rittenhouse’s appearance. He asked

Putin and Neo-Nazis Seek Control of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I consistently claim that most Americans choose to be naïve, and even ignorant. They don’t want to know the truth. If they did understand what happens in our nation and the world, they would be forced to face reality, and how fragile their very existence might be.   I heard a Trump supporter talking to a reporter. She proved my allegation without a doubt. She said: “Russia is not our enemy. They, (the government), treat their people better than ours.”   Let’s be perfectly clear: Vladimir Putin remains #1 on the Post Office wall. From the day he became an officer in the KGB in 1975, Putin formed a two-pronged plan involving the free world and specifically the United States.   First and foremost , end the NATO Alliance. Fact: the only reason there has never been a WWIII is the existence of an organization which has a policy stating that if one member is attacked, they are all under attack. With Sweden joining NATO last week, it is now composed of 32 nations.

Will 2024 be a Complete Repeat of 2020?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is clear that what no American voter wanted will happen on November 5 th : a rematch of the 2020 election. If another contest between two old, white men is the best both parties can do, we will never have a functional government again. Making the November 5 th a complete remake of 2020 will likely be the fact that more voters will be voting against Trump than for President Biden. I am positive that I was not alone in 2020. I was not a huge supporter of Mr. Biden, but I would have voted for anyone if it would prevent Trump from causing more damage to our nation if given another four years and assistance from his handler, Vladimir Putin. Contrary to Trump’s “big lie,” President Biden crushed the orange buffoon by about eight million votes in 2020 in the only number that should count, the popular vote. A historic voter turnout guaranteed a win for Mr. Biden. The question is, “will this happen again?” I’m doubtful. It’s hard to encourage voters to go to the poll

Nobody Has the Courage to Tell the Truth: Trump Remains Putin’s Greatest Asset

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Alexei Navalny was murdered by Vladimir Putin. The tyrant who invaded Ukraine because of a need to soothe his ego is clearly responsible for the death of his biggest critic; the leader of the opposition. However, Trump once again protects his handler, refusing to discuss the facts. TRUMP IS NOT AN AMERICAN A major part of Trump’s story is founded in his constant complaints, his extreme negativity. He had a derogatory comment about everyone and everything. I remember his lack of respect for the White House when he initially moved into the residence. He referred to it as a “slum,” and even a “shithole.” Anyone who refuses to serve him is an “idiot,” or something he makes up in his own little mind. It is obvious that he does not respect, protect, or serve the Constitution. He cares for less than 40 percent of our nation’s people, his cult. He is what is known as a “user.” He used his illegitimate presidency to fill his pockets with money from foreign leaders, direc

I Must Admit that for the First Time, I Agree with Ann Coulter

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I lost count of the number of times I told my wife, “I wish Trump would simply die.” I have watched this brainless, spineless, obese, old, white man cause more damage to my country over the last nine years than all other situations and incidents in my 77 years combined. It’s time to rid our nation of the one man who hates America and would shred the Constitution if he had remained in office after the 2020 election. When Trump came into power in 2017, fascists found a leader. Neo-Nazi groups had a fat, old, white man in the White House, and he openly protected them from the beginning. I have written hundreds of articles exposing the orange buffoon for online newspapers and my own blog. However, there are no words to describe my true feelings for the worst man in our nation’s history, and maybe the world. So, imagine my joy and surprise when one of the worst, most radical and controversial women in America shared my disdain for the man she once praised.