When Will the Truth About the Relationship Between Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein be Told?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The one constant in Donald Trump’s life is his need for sexual perversion, and control over women. His actions parallel tales of serial rapists.

A recent interview with Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model, who allegedly had a brief affair with Trump, appears to reveal that the practice of “catch and kill” is standard operating procedure for the orange buffoon and other celebrities: many of whom were exposed during the height of the “me too” movement. Catch and Kill simply means gaining access to stories which would likely create controversy, and destroying them before the public can read or watch them.

We know that Trump frequently partied with Jeffrey Epstein. Although multiple allegations have been made about Trump’s close relationship with Epstein, there has never been a comprehensive investigation. We may never know if Trump engaged in sexual relations with underage women. Catch and Kill will undoubtedly be part of the plan to hide the truth.


Beginning in June of 2015, the world began to know the “Real Donald Trump.” He cannot be defined by his actions, or accomplishments, because they do not exist. Only by his own words can “Big Adolf” be known.

Even before his pitiful inauguration on January 20, 2017, Trump was under investigation. There has not been a single day over the last seven years without an allegation, suspicion, or investigation into the sordid and criminal life of Donald John Trump.

When he was not chasing a little white ball through sand and grass, partying at Mar-a-Lago, with the use of taxpayer money, watching FOX News, or holding one of his infamous hate rallies, he is on the toilet tweeting, or standing before a microphone defending himself.

His tactics are simple: denial, and accuse his detractors of the crimes for which he, himself is guilty.


It began during the 2016 campaign. Long before election day, Trump claimed that “the election was rigged.” He was simply telling the truth. He and Vladimir Putin began their plans to win the 2016 election when they met for what was at least the second time, in Moscow, in 2013.

This was just the beginning. Over the last two weeks, each day after the end of court proceedings, Trump stands before the television cameras and attacks the Judge, prosecutors, and the legitimate press. He continues to overuse words and phrases like “with hunt,” “corruption,” and “fraud,” terms and phrases for which he is most certainly guilty.


Recently, I have been referring to Trump as “Big Adolf.” He continues to use the same tactics employed by Hitler as he took complete control over the people in 1930’s Germany.

His now departed first wife, Ivana, told friends and confidants that when they were together, Trump studied the speeches of Adolf Hitler before falling asleep. I’m not positive this is entirely true: I am not convinced that Trump possesses the ability to read. We know that not once in four years did he read the President’s Daily Brief.

The first tactic Trump began to use daily, was to lie. Hitler believed that if you tell people a lie often enough, they will eventually accept it as the truth. A perfect example of how accurate this belief was, is demonstrated by the fact that millions of Americans believe his “big lie” about the 2020 election. Trump was crushed and completely ashamed that he was so badly beaten. His huge ego would not allow him to accept what are now irrefutable facts.

One of Hitler’s most vital challenges was the mainstream media. Hitler was wise enough to know that without complete control of every news source, he would be exposed as the maniacal dictator he truly was.

However, Trump created his own method for controlling the press. He praised right-wing propaganda machines like FOX News, and began calling legitimate news agencies “fake news.” In this battle, Trump once again found victory.

The mainstream media gave Trump five-times more coverage during the 2016 campaign than all other candidates combined. Sensationalism increases viewership, and increased viewership produces additional advertising revenue.

Hitler rightfully believed that if you tell the people what they want to hear, they will act like sheep and freely offer their support for even the most wretched polices of their leaders.

As Trump stands before his cult, he constantly preaches hatred, revenge, white supremacy, and mistrust for anyone who disagrees with his twisted views of our nation’s future. Trump has taken Hitler’s tactics to the extreme. In 2022 he called for the repeal of our nation’s Constitution. Recently, in Time magazine, he announced his plans if he should win the 2024 election. He admits that he will become a dictator, and continue violating the Law of the Land. If you feel strong enough, you must read all of his destructive and frightening plans for your future.


I have given you a truthful and complete look at “The Real Donald Trump.” However, I continue to fear that many Americans will choose to remain ignorant and believe the lies told by our nation’s worst president, and its biggest traitor.

The 2024 election is less about the candidates, and more about saving the dream of our Founding Fathers.

Personally, I treasure my freedom. I firmly believe that all Americans have the right to free thought, and to make choices for their personal life without infringing on the rights of others.

I strongly oppose Trump’s fascist army, composed of Neo-Nazis whose goal has always been to move our nation backwards into the dark and prejudicial days of the mid-twentieth century.

Vote on November 5th, and vote for you and those you love, not for a failed political party.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Please tell everyone you know to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

Sources: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/4/2238441/-In-2022-Trump-called-for-terminating-the-Constitution-Now-he-gets-Brutal-shade-from-ex-lover?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web






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