Nobody Has the Courage to Tell the Truth: Trump Remains Putin’s Greatest Asset

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Alexei Navalny was murdered by Vladimir Putin. The tyrant who invaded Ukraine because of a need to soothe his ego is clearly responsible for the death of his biggest critic; the leader of the opposition. However, Trump once again protects his handler, refusing to discuss the facts.


A major part of Trump’s story is founded in his constant complaints, his extreme negativity. He had a derogatory comment about everyone and everything. I remember his lack of respect for the White House when he initially moved into the residence. He referred to it as a “slum,” and even a “shithole.” Anyone who refuses to serve him is an “idiot,” or something he makes up in his own little mind. It is obvious that he does not respect, protect, or serve the Constitution. He cares for less than 40 percent of our nation’s people, his cult. He is what is known as a “user.” He used his illegitimate presidency to fill his pockets with money from foreign leaders, direct violations of the Emoluments Clause. He hates our country and its leaders while showing respect for Putin and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. He has no respect for the principles of our country or our love of freedom. He is undoubtedly a fascist with one ambition: to become the first Fuhrer of America.


From June of 2015 when he announced his intention to win the Republican presidential nomination until today, Trump has intentionally divided our nation. There are two Americas today. One, the majority, is occupied by loyal Americans who cherish the Constitution and the morals and ideals of our Founding Fathers. The other is composed of Neo-Nazis who hate our country and believe that only pure whites should have the rights and privileges guaranteed by the Law of the Land. We are currently engaged in a Second Civil War and we, the patriots, must not lose.


Between 2017 and 2021, 30-40 percent of our nation’s people renounced their citizenship and made a choice to follow Trump and his handler, Vladimir Putin. When Trump told them he would “Make America Great Again,” it was nothing but a thinly disguised promise to “make America white again.” With their new leader defiling the White, millions of men and women who had been hiding in the shadows or under rocks stepped into the light of day knowing they had protection from Trump and his cult.


Make no mistake about the truth: January 6, 2021 was an attempted coup, led by fascist groups whose Neo-Nazi leaders carried out Trump’s orders. Joining them were a number of former and current members of various law enforcement agencies and our military. And although Trump constantly preaches anger, hatred, and violence, he would never participate in any actions himself. Like his idols, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin, he is a coward. He told his minions that “he would be with them” on January 6, but strolled back into the protection of the White House to watch the three-hour tragic event on television.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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