
Showing posts with the label MAGA Republicans

George W. Bush’s "Axis of Evil” has Become a Reality

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   George W. Bush was undoubtedly the second worst president in history, and not the ‘sharpest tool in the shed.’ However, he did predict the “Axis of Evil” which is destroying our nation n today.    To be totally truthful , “W’s” Republican Party imploded on January 20, 2017. These pretenders, claiming to be members of the once Grand Old Party, have no resemblance to the Party of Lincoln. They follow a fascist whose loyalty is to Vladimir Putin. Trump hates America and has been totally honest about one fact: he will never represent all of our nation’s people. He is not an American and cannot be allowed to claim that title again.   Donald John Trump is the creator and leader of the Axis of Evil. He and his entire MAGA Party hate you and they hate me because we believe in democracy and cherish the Constitution.   I read speeches by American Presidents, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama and feel good and proud to be an Amer

Donald “the Liar” Trump, Moscow “Mitch” McConnell, Ted “Cancun” Cruz, and Many Others Have Created the Worst Government in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I don’t care if anyone reads this: I simply had to vent my disgust with Trump and his “MAGA Party.” They choose not only to ignore most Americans, they intentionally divided our nation and have a single goal: to shred the Constitution of the United States of America. The leaders of this new “American Fascist Party” have been Trump, Moscow Mitch, and Cancun Cruz over the last seven years. Are these they type of old, white men you would choose to lead the nation founded by Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison? I hope not. Let’s look at the lack of principles, morality, and character of these three men. It won’t take long because none of them deserve respect. Ted Cruz was the most hated man in his own party when he arrived in the Senate in 2013. His first effort was to attempt a government shutdown. One of his constituents, Republican Senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, told the press: “If someone shot and killed Cruz on the floor of the S

Like We Needed Another Reason to Reject Nikki Haley’s run for the Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Donald Trump is the most hated criminal in America. He is responsible for approximately 100,000 deaths from Covid-19. His refusal to take action in January of 2020, telling our nation’s people that “it will just go away,” is the reason why the death toll from the pandemic in the United States passed the one-million mark. He is the only politician to openly attempt a coupe while in office. Only Trump stole government secrets for personal use and lied about returning them: a crime punishable by death. (See Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1955.) Nikki Haley admitted that if she becomes our president and Trump is convicted of treason, she would pardon the biggest criminal in American history. She is admitting that she would ignore the Constitution and protect the evil man who made her the ambassador to the United Nations. She would then become another traitor to the values and principles of our nation’s highest law, the Constitution.. Trump admitted that he was give

The Confederacy is Alive and Thriving: Welcome to the Second Civil War

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Wars are not fought exclusively with guns. Experts involved in predictions about future wars agree that the next world war will be a struggle for technology superiority. There is the real reason the discussion of Artificial Intelligence is priority number one. Our nation is fighting a war today. The reason for this conflict has its origin in the primary reasons for the first Civil War: racism and bigotry. The Second Civil War began on November 8, 2016, when Donald John Trump became our nation’s illegitimate president elect. A “rigged” election, funded by Vladimir Putin, and aided by the mainstream media and James Comey, handed the presidency to a fascist, and the least qualified man in history to become a leader of men. Although it was confirmed in October of 2106 that Russia was deeply involved in deciding the outcome of our election, our nation’s leaders decided to keep this fact from the voting public. Trump lost the popular vote by more than three million

Massive Corruption within the Republican Party and the Entire Judicial System Will Prevent Trump from Paying for his Crimes

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I offer you my first and last conspiracy theory. Ordinarily I abhor any such efforts to influence America’s voters. However the evidence in this situation is overwhelming and cannot be disputed by anyone with average intelligence. During the 2016 campaign, Trump told his cult: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally. Sadly this is a fact. Like their demagogue, his cult is composed of people with only three emotions focused on Americans of color, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and all women who demand equality: anger, hatred, and violence in his name. I was not surprised, but I was frightened and appalled when Trump was given a “free pass” for his confirmed Constitutional violations and never received a fair trial in Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Senate. This offered proof that Trump is above the law in the world of right-wing extremists. Trump has now been indicted five times fo

Too Crazy and Unbelievable for Me to Comprehend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Our government is so f**ked up, I don’t have the time or patience to write about everything that is wrong with America today. Let me offer just a few of the moronic things that happened in the last couple of weeks, and tell me if our government can be repaired, and if our country can be saved.. Members of the House, Democrat and Republican, failed to expel George Santos from his position. He is a fraud, a charlatan, a habitual liar who is now hated by the people of New York who elected him. Today he is facing multiple charges of felony fraud. He is a poster boy for today’s fake Republicans. Nothing is real about the once Grand Old Party. The truth is, the Party of Lincoln took its last breath six years ago. My second story is serious, definitely not humorous. Republicans in the House chose a man to be the next Speaker who is not only unqualified, he is an election denier, and a religious freak. Mike Johnson is already the worst Speaker in American history. Aft

Don’t Believe the GOP is Extinct? Read the Following from a Former Member of the MAGA Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an irrefutable fact that whatever those on the right side of the aisle call themselves, they have no resemblance to the Party of Lincoln, the Grand Old Party, or the Republican Party. Once respected for their principles, morals, and ideas, these men and women care about nothing but their personal ambitions. Winning elections at all cost, by any means, is their ultimate goal. Rich Logis was a loyal member of Trump’s cult, now called “The MAGA Party.” He is now a free man, allowed to think freely and make decisions based on facts, not angry and hate-filled rhetoric. He wrote an article which is attached to my latest effort to keep America informed of the truth. Mr. Logis confirms my allegation that the once Grand Old Party is virtually extinct and cannot be saved. [The irrefutable fact is: the Republican Party appealed (habitually, I talk of the party in the past tense) to those who think moving backward is moving forward. Whether that means looking to an

Once a Respected Nation, Today’s America is Filled with Anger, Hatred and Violence

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Raised by a single mother in the 1950s and 60s, I was fortunate to have been very close and partially raised by my maternal grandparents. They were grandchildren of a Prussian grandfather, who came to this country at the beginning of the 20 th century, and the grandmother he met in America. Of the many things I learned from them, compassion, kindness, and understanding were the most important and remained with me throughout my life. What they couldn’t teach me were the underlying evils which existed then, and have become the norm in the 21 st century. These evils moved out of the shadows and escalated between 2017 and 2021 when an illegitimate president won the Electoral College, and became to leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. He and his party, once known as Republicans, combined with the mainstream media, continue to spread lies with the use of tactics including anger, hatred, and violence. At this very moment, somewhere in our nation a