George W. Bush’s "Axis of Evil” has Become a Reality

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

George W. Bush was undoubtedly the second worst president in history, and not the ‘sharpest tool in the shed.’ However, he did predict the “Axis of Evil” which is destroying our nation n today.  

To be totally truthful, “W’s” Republican Party imploded on January 20, 2017. These pretenders, claiming to be members of the once Grand Old Party, have no resemblance to the Party of Lincoln. They follow a fascist whose loyalty is to Vladimir Putin. Trump hates America and has been totally honest about one fact: he will never represent all of our nation’s people. He is not an American and cannot be allowed to claim that title again. 

Donald John Trump is the creator and leader of the Axis of Evil. He and his entire MAGA Party hate you and they hate me because we believe in democracy and cherish the Constitution. 

I read speeches by American Presidents, including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama and feel good and proud to be an American. When Trump speaks, he calls our nation’s people thugs, drug dealers, scum, etc., etc., etc. His beliefs are focused on the negative emotions and actions of anger, hatred, and violence. Not once over the last nine years has he spoken about hope for our future and creating a better quality of life for all Americans. Trump never was my president, and never could be: I am an American. 

Have no delusions, we are in the middle of the Second Civil War. The November 5th election will decide if our nation remains democratic or becomes a nation of slaves under a fascist regime. This is not a theory or an assumption. We all suffered from four years of Trump’s illegitimate presidency, it could only get worse. 

Trump is the worst thing to happen to our nation in its 247-year history, and maybe to the world. He and Putin joined together to create the Axis of Evil, and evil cannot be allowed to win. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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