Massive Corruption within the Republican Party and the Entire Judicial System Will Prevent Trump from Paying for his Crimes
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I offer you my first and last conspiracy theory. Ordinarily I abhor any such efforts to influence America’s voters. However the evidence in this situation is overwhelming and cannot be disputed by anyone with average intelligence.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump told his cult: “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said at a campaign rally.
Sadly this is a fact. Like their demagogue, his cult is composed of people with only three emotions focused on Americans of color, non-Christians, the LGBTQ community, and all women who demand equality: anger, hatred, and violence in his name.
I was not surprised, but I was frightened and appalled when Trump was given a “free pass” for his confirmed Constitutional violations and never received a fair trial in Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Senate. This offered proof that Trump is above the law in the world of right-wing extremists.
Trump has now been indicted five times for serious felonies. My prediction has not changed. Now that the Republican Party exists in name only, and our judicial system is stacked with radical right-wing judges, the man guilty of a life of crime will never be punished for his crimes.
MAGA Republicans, the majority of the men and women on the right side of the aisle, fail to serve the American people. The only reason for their existence is to protect their Fuhrer. They are willing to lie, cheat, create conspiracy theories, and even kill to protect the worst man in the world. He will never receive the punishment he deserves. The truth and the laws will be twisted to protect him from the ramifications of treason, insurrection, and sedition.
If the Law of the Land, the very rule of law no longer exists for every citizen, America is over. The Constitution means nothing, and our beloved country has already become a fascist state ruled by a self-serving malignant narcissist whose enormous ego is responsible for his maniacal and anti-American actions. Under the tutelage of Vladimir Putin he has intentionally divided our nation and created the plutocracy which controls our government in Washington today.
The question is: “Is it hopeless? Can our nation be saved?” The answer is clear. Another record voter turnout on November 5, 2024, expelling all fake Republicans from office will send the only message that matters to the politicians: “We, the people, will never allow a fascist regime to replace our democratic society.”
Op-ed by James Turnage
My nine novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app
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