Don’t Believe the GOP is Extinct? Read the Following from a Former Member of the MAGA Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart


It is an irrefutable fact that whatever those on the right side of the aisle call themselves, they have no resemblance to the Party of Lincoln, the Grand Old Party, or the Republican Party. Once respected for their principles, morals, and ideas, these men and women care about nothing but their personal ambitions. Winning elections at all cost, by any means, is their ultimate goal.

Rich Logis was a loyal member of Trump’s cult, now called “The MAGA Party.” He is now a free man, allowed to think freely and make decisions based on facts, not angry and hate-filled rhetoric. He wrote an article which is attached to my latest effort to keep America informed of the truth. Mr. Logis confirms my allegation that the once Grand Old Party is virtually extinct and cannot be saved.

[The irrefutable fact is: the Republican Party appealed (habitually, I talk of the party in the past tense) to those who think moving backward is moving forward. Whether that means looking to an imaginary version of 1776, the "Lost Cause" of the Confederacy, the 1950s as America's apogee of greatness or relitigating the 2020 election, the entire GOP product is backward-facing. I know this oh so well, having been politically traumatized myself, by the GOP's offering; and having spent considerable time, for years, amongst similarly traumatized fellow Republicans, convinced I was one of the "real Americans" prepared to water the trees of liberty with the blood of my mortal enemies. Everyone had better understand what "make America great again" really means.

The GOP, of course, has withheld the diagnosis of its terminal political illness from its voters; you may debate among yourselves when the irreversible malignancy metastasized within the GOP. I am of the belief that it accelerated fatefully with the election of Obama, and reached the irreversible stage with Donald Trump. Never in our history were successive presidents as starkly contrasting as Obama and Trump, whether as leaders or as decent human beings.

Lots of pundits are now getting around to recognizing the complete MAGA-fication of the GOP; yes, better late than never, but the party has been MAGA-fied for many years.

Republican voters are mostly unprepared for the imminent death of their party; most are probably stuck in the Purgatory between denial and anger. Republican politicians are scattered across the bargaining, depression and acceptance stages.] Rich Logis

I am very pleased to be justified about what I have been writing for years has been confirmed by a MAGA insider. But we cannot blame Trump for the entire situation. He simply completed the right-wing’s implosion. It actually began in 1981. Ronald Reagan demanded complete loyalty. No Republican politician was allowed to disagree with anything Reagan said or wrote. Honest deliberation and compromise were discouraged. All men and women on the right side of the aisle were required to agree with anything and everything emanating from Reagan’s little brain. Since his time, there has not been a qualified member of congress who has been willing to do the right thing from the right. If there were real Republicans in Washington, Trump never would have remained in office. He would have been removed by the Senate for a very serious violation of the Constitution. When Republicans gave him a free pass for his second egregious violation, I knew that the Republican Party I once respected had ceased to exist.

Finally, I encourage you to read Mr. Logis article. I knew al great deal about the fascist MAGA movement, but there was even more to learn.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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