
Showing posts with the label Supreme Court

Tired of the Supreme Court S**ting on the Constitution?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The right-wing politicians in our legislative branch have been s**ting on the Constitution for years. Now that Moscow Mitch McConnell has stacked the Supreme Court, they are following the lead of the fascist brethren. As a patriotic American, I am fed up with all men and women who claim to be “Republicans.” HOW CAN AMERICA BE SAVED? The only way to save our nation is to establish term limits for all three branches of our government. This should have been the law from the beginning. Washington politicians, all three branches, have become greedy and power mad, and yet they do virtually nothing. It was a huge mistake to give lifetime appointments to Supreme Court Justices. In 2024 we have six of nine justices who are woefully unqualified, and we, the people, have no way of removing them. They could damage our nation’s future for decades to come. MANY CHANGES IN MY LIFETIME HAVE NOT BEEN GOOD FOR AMERICA I have watched changes in America’s government for 67 of my 77

How the Supreme Court is Already Assisting the Trump Campaign

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It took our corrupted Supreme Court 15 days to decide if it would hear Trump’s bogus and outrageous claim that presidents have complete immunity. This decision was already decided after the Watergate break-in. Today they delayed the decision for seven more weeks. This delay is intentional and intended to give Trump more time to win primaries.   All Right-Wing Politicians are Loyal To Trump   Right-wing politicians in the legislative branch are loyal to Trump, not to the American people. They no longer serve the men and women who elected them. He has become the Fuhrer of The American Fascist Party.   All Three Hours of the Attempted Coup on January 6 Should be Shown to the American People Again   My wife and I Listened to Trump as he ordered his Neo-Nazi followers to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Then we watched actions of pure treason committed by American citizens. Not once in my 77 years could I hav

The Single Reason Why the American Government Cannot be Repaired

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Today, Moscow Mitch McConnell announced that he will step down as the leader of Republicans in the Senate. This is too late. In collusion with the Federalist Society, he maneuvered and stretched the law, allowing three unqualified and biased individuals to become Supreme Court Justices who are appointed for life. This is the single reason why the American government is incompetent, irreparable, and forever corrupt. In October of 2020, I lost all hope for the future of my beloved country. This was the third member of the Court appointed by Trump and his partner in crime, Moscow Mitch, in just four years. The old man of the Senate was fully aware that these two men and one woman were unqualified and loyal to right-wing extremists. Moscow Mitch accomplished his lifetime goal of overturning every woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health by overturning Roe v Wade. If we take an honest look at this American tragedy, the reasons behind t

How do I Feel About the End of the Supreme Court?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart     Barack Obama was a good pre s d ident who could have been great if he had not been forced to fight with Moscow Mitch McConnell’s creation known as “the party of no.” However, the truth is that our country has not been blessed with more than a handful of great presidents. The most recent outstanding American leader was murdered on November 22, 1963, during my senior year in high school.    Our nation’s legislative branch is both the most dysfunctional and the most corrupt in the world. The level of incompetence and in many cases self-importance and complete apathy towards the American people has reached beyond the imagination. There is no leadership on the right side of the aisle, and on the left, it is very limited and unimpressive. Corruption is everywhere. Those of us who write about Washington are aware of constant criminal activity, and an atmosphere of secrecy to prevent the American people from gaining knowledge of these facts. If you hear the words,