
Showing posts with the label White Supremacy

Senator Kennedy’s Attacks Against Chicago Once Again Display his Ignorance

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Domestic terrorism and the rise in mass shootings with the use of legally obtained firearms have become America’s number one danger to its people and an embarrassment for a government which continues to ignore the facts. In a recent hearing, Senator John Kennedy failed miserably in his efforts to protect his party’s choice to ignore the safety of 330 million Americans. Since 1976, the NRA began moving away from being an advocate for gun safety into a lobby to increase gun sales for gun manufacturers and gun sellers. The Republican Party eagerly accepts campaign donations from the NRA, and to show their gratitude continues to protect the NRA from any legislation which might lessen the profits of their owners. After every mass shooting, those who call themselves “Republicans” today offer their “thoughts and prayers” but do nothing. Instead of taking action, they attempt to change the subject into a discussion founded on fantasy and half-truths. On Tuesday, Decem

One Very Serious and Critical Question: Why Do Republicans Hate America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is an irrefutable fact that today’s pseudo-Republicans hate the principles of our Founding Fathers, and have no interest in the future of the American People. Studies prove that they are opposed to every issue favored by the majority. The leader of their party is a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, a fascist, the biggest traitor in American history, and the worst American president by far. I couldn’t make this s**t up. The truth is that the real Republican Party began to implode in 1981. Trump and his followers completed its demise in 2017, and it will never return. The ideals and principles of the former Grand Old Party are dead and forgotten. Today’s group has moved so far to the right they have embraced the ideas of fascism. Human rights, liberty and justice for all, and the ideals of understanding and compassion have long been forgotten. Money is their only god, and support from the wealthiest five percent of our nation’s people is priority number o

History and Religion are Inseparable and Explain the Chaos and Evil Which Exists Today

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I admit that I had little interest in the study of history when I was in high school. However when it was not a required class, my interest in what shaped the world in which I existed became of great interest to me. A large part of our country’s people want to cease educating our young men and women about parts of America’s past. They are making great efforts to hide the truth about slavery, and the facts about the LGBTQ community. Their message is simple; “Christian white people can do no wrong.” The history of the world is also the history of religion. They are inseparable. Wars, the loss of millions of innocent lives, and the suffering of all mankind, are the results of religious bigotry and fanaticism. Everything which is wrong in the world and our nation in the 21 st century is the manifestation of the desires of religious leaders to maintain lives of power, influence, and great wealth. Fact: all religions were created by men seeking power over others. T

What Should Our Government Do About a Former President Who Is Openly Threatening His Accusers?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For four years Trump was the “Don” of the Washington Mafia. He and his army remain free and are allowed to spread their lies, conspiracy theories, and divide our nation irrevocably. During the 2016 campaign Trump told his cult that he ‘could shoot someone in Times Square and nothing would happen.’ He believed then that he was above the law. In two impeachment trials, Moscow Mitch McConnell proved that he was, and today our entire government in Washington refuses to place him in a federal prison although the world knows he is the greatest criminal in American history. Donald Trump is what he has been for 77 years. His actions between 2017 and 2021 were expected if you read the facts about his pitiful life, a life void of accomplishments and composed of criminal actions and lascivious events which should have prevented his victory in 2016. The truth is simple: Republican politicians and Republican voters are to blame for everything wrong with America today. The

What You Hear is the Republican Party Crumbling Into Dust

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For once the “experts” were right. It has been a slow process, but the Republican Party is crumbling. Although its destruction began in 1981, Trump’s illegitimate presidency hurried its demise. Most of today’s fake Republicans remained loyal to the worst president in American history until he began his baseless claim of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election, and organized the failed coup on January 6, 2021 while remaining in office. With the 2024 campaign season in its beginnings, more right-wing politicians are abandoning Trump and his cult. Although this is undoubtedly a good thing, those who would replace him as their party’s leader are unfit for office and would be as bad or worse than Trump. In all of modern history, Republicans have proven themselves incapable of governing our nation. Reagan began our escalating national debt, Bush 41 continued his fiscal policy, Bush 43 also employed “trickle-down economics” and placed our nation in two illegal

Anger, Hatred, and Violence are the Policies of All Right-Wing Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Something happened recently that may mean nothing to you, but in reality, it defines the direction our government is taking, and therefore this country is moving down the wrong path. 100 percent of the men and women sitting on the right side of the Capitol Building support the end of democracy and the establishment of a fascist regime in Washington. While it is true that Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz and many others are open about their efforts, others are hiding in the shadows. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and the rest are silently supporting the most extreme members of their party. Today’s fake Republicans control their supporters with tactics involving anger, hatred, and violence, while accomplishing nothing of value for the American people. Capital punishment is a major issue. Most Americans never think about this subject, but it is important. If human life is of any value, this archaic form of punishment mu

Without the Existence of the Grand Old Party, Who Will Today’s Fake Republicans Offer America in 2024?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The polls claim that Trump and DeSantis remain the favorites to win the “Republican” Party’s presidential nomination in 2024. That may have been the saddest sentence I have ever written. Not only are neither of them qualified to hold any public office, they share some the same “qualities,” none of them offering a positive outcome for the United States. Trump and DeSantis are hell bent on self-destruction. By their own words and actions they have proven themselves to be incompetent, in possession of low levels of intelligence, and are focused on ending democracy in America, replacing it with a fascist regime. The truth is clear. President Biden has accomplished more in his first two-and-one-half years than the previous four Republicans in their 24 years in the White House. Another fact is that the candidates for 2024 are some of the worst politicians in history, and woefully unfit to lead our nation. It is clear that they are all Trump wannabees. In

Hey America, Get Your Heads Out of Your A**es and Save Your Country

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I try to be professional. Although I occasionally use profanity, I don’t like or enjoy it. However, the truth is it’s time for all Americans to face reality and the truth and save their country from the villains among us. As a young man, I listened to a speech by an animatronic Abraham Lincoln at Disneyland in a long-forgotten attraction named, “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.” This speech impressed me and although it has often been misquoted, Its meaning is more important today than ever. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." The former were his exact words and If he were alive today, he would know that he was not only a great President, but also a great prophet. Over the last 42